Gold flexing is a vicious cycle

I play healer: nobody wants to main tank.

I play main tank: suddenly nobody can heal the giant monkey, robot, or German dude even if they’re right in front of them begging for healing.

Gold is a vicious cycle of having to do everything if you want to climb.


Yeah that happens a lot… The best solution is not flexing in my opinion.


Agreed with vega here
Stick to one role, you won’t get 0 healing/tanking every single game, and if you claim you do then I’d suggest recording gameplay to see why you didnt get healing/tanking.


Trying to main the tanks but…it is infuriating when your healers dont heal you.

It forces me to play extremely passive over making big plays or going somewhat aggressive because I just cant trust my healers at this level.


Just think like this, if you can deal with that, you’ll be even better when you actually have decent heals.

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But its driving me nuts. I’m just in a win lose win lose situation right now and it just comes down to “will the healers heal their freaking tanks or not?”

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I can’t stand it when you get 2 healer mains who let everyone die but then still stick on healer. Just go dps/tank and we might have a better chance of winning than playing 4 v 6.


imo the best thing is to do a bit of flexing i.e. be most proficient in one role and be able to play at least 1-2 characters comfortably of other roles

You really have to. Gold is being flexible to cover an inflexible potato on your side potentially.

Lord knows I need to know shield tanks for the MANY times I’ve dealt with double off tanks who think DVa/Hog will push a 2CP choke okay.

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If you can afford it just buy a new account and place higher if you think you deserve a higher rank.

That’s ideal of course but just because team is missing a role doesn’t mean you have to or can just fill it properly.

I know the feeling man but it’s a comp game and we are playing with real human beings like you and me. Everyone have their bad games or days. You are probably right and they were not doing their job right but blaming them won’t make us better players. However if you can overcome that, you’ll be in higher ranks in no time. Of course it’s easier said than done but that’s the way of thinking I’m trying to follow. I climbed from bronze to gold so I’ll say it works.

not only at gold… in platinum it’s 20% better, but still happens a lot, at least people START to have some team work

pro tanking tip. play roadhog when your find your healer too freaking stupid…but make sure your healer just wasn’t under too much fire before swapping.

Also, at low ranks you should let the healer know in advance of when you are going to need healing…

need heals in 3…2…1…

I’ll probably be doing the latter, since the whole point of playing main tank for me has been because nobody wants to tank at this elo BEYOND playing Roadhog, or DVA.

Theres only so much of double feeder off tanks refusing to switch to deal with the DPS heavy choke were stuck at while they tell me (the main healer) “to go main tank if I’m being this pissy about it,” That I can take.

right now im in sitting in a spawn again with 6 dps. Should i switch off or simply lose the game. Love this game.

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Play Winston dive for health packs if on a map with a choke accept your kind of screwed as rein or orisa. Not much else you can do.

I used to flex every game and i was going up and down between 1500 - 2500 for a year. Now i give a **** about my team and just play what i want how i want and i am between 2200 - 2800 most of the time …. stop caring about your team.

If you want to climb quick don’t flex.

Tried that, ran into way too many games where we got rolled because me and half the team had that mentality, nobody (save for the times I wasnt in a “screw everyone” mood) wanted to pick vital roles like main healer or main tank, and the enemy rolls us simply because they have those vital roles and are working together vs us trying to get somebody else to switch.

Honestly it’s less of flexing than forcefully becoming a full main tank player since they’re pretty much nonexistent at this level