Goblins are ruining the game

I don’t feel like playing the game anymore. It’s like every other match I’m stuck with a bunch of goblins who don’t care about the objective. All they wanna do is hoard gold and swipe credits from other players. It’s driving me crazy bro, I get it, the game’s got a diverse player base, but come on!

So picture this: I’m in Junkertown, trying to attack, right? And what do I see? Goblins. Freaking goblins everywhere. Now, normally, you’d expect your team to be all about pushing that payload, right? But nope, not with these goblins.

They’re just darting past the enemy team, not giving a single thought about the payload. Most of them end up dying over and over again.

But oh boy, when a few of them manage to slip through, what do they do? Do they help secure the payload? Nope. They make a beeline straight for last point to steal JunkerQueen’s treasure. BRO YOU DON’T EVEN GET ANYTHING FOR DOING THAT

I’m just sitting there, fuming bro, trying to understand what the heck is going on.

Blizzard seriously needs to crack down on this goblin shіt, I can’t take it anymore


This post looks like it’s gotten no love so now I am here with support :sparkles:
But I must go my friend



(sarcastic comeback deleted by author)

Just reminded me of this post from you: Has anyone been getting this "goblin zone" glitch?

This post made me thought of Clash of Clans :joy:

This game might be improved with little goblins running around.


I actually made a joke about siding with goblins against gnomes, but I was afraid it would get me in trouble. I think it went a little too far. Just so the record’s straight!!

You’re not wrong.

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They should ban that user tbh, their posts are mad annoying

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Goblins have the best deals anywhere