GOATS fix: make tanks TANK instead of being fat dps

Why did you include Roadhog in these nerfs? He isn’t used in GOATS.
He has nothing to do with goats. He is hardly even picked. The PTR changes will help him but won’t make him great.


IMO, a tank (in Overwatch) is a character who principally focuses on creating space for their team. This goal can be achieved through different means–blocking attacks, soaking damage, displacement, threat of damage, etc–but at the end of the day, the character serves to draw threats away from their allies and focus those threats on themselves.

Main tanks principally achieve this goal through damage denial and absorption, or, in a word, barriers. They quite physically create a space behind which they and their allies can take shelter, and while they may possess other abilities (i.e. Orisa and Winston can attack even with their barrier up), their most robust strength is their ability to straight up deny damage. Your main tanks, in this way, are Reinhardt (duh), Orisa, and Winston.

Off-tanks, on the other hand, do not possess as-strong damage-denying abilities. They still can to some degree, but mainly, they create space through more aggressive means. Where main tanks are “defensively” focused in that they create space by defending their team, off-tanks are “offensively” focused in that they create space by forcing it out of the enemy team. The easy example is Roadhog or Hammond, because their use of CC (Chain Hook, or basically Hammond’s entire kit) quite bodily moves the enemy. But Zarya, too, has a powerful–if localized–space creating ability through her barriers because, even more importantly than blocking the 200 damage or so, they actively deter enemies from firing on them at all out of risk of turning Zarya into an absurdly strong DPS monster. So the obvious off-tanks, as I listed, are Hammond, Hog, and Zarya, as well as DVa who I would actually rank as the most-intermediate off/main tank, though generally she’s categorized as an off-tank since most of her kit revolves around aggressively hunting down enemies and zoning them out of areas.

I’m sure peeps will disagree with my assessment, but just from my experience in how people categorize tanks and the various common factors each category has, that’s how I differentiate. And obviously, tanks should have abilities tailored to their respective goals, so a hero intended as an off-tank probably shouldn’t be receiving lots of super-strong damage absorption abilities, and main-tanks probably don’t need a gib.

Zarya outperforms D.Va in almost every stat on ladder, including GM which is the more relevant metric


Or they could nerf the root cause of GOATs.

Shield Bash


It’s possible, but without a strict role queue it would fail miserably.

OW dev team started this game saying they didn’t want to restrict hero stacking as it providing unique strategies to the game. People stacking several Winston shield bubbles later to capture every point with ease quickly killed that.

After that, they were very strict they didn’t want any kind of LFG or role intent. They gave into LFG, but did a very bad job (stats show) now we are left with the hope of role intent.

It’s worked very well in other team, role based games like League of Legends. I sincerely hope that Blizzard can find a way to adapt it to their game and get more players back.

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What about reinhart?

Reinhart ulti can stun all the map

I don’t think the issue is that, individually, the “offtanks” do too much damage for being too tanky, but that compounding healing and survival abilities makes them substantially better than doing the same with DPS.

For example, Once Roadhog uses his heal, he can be interrupted or he can be swarmed by enemies or headshotted to death fairly easily. Once Zarya’s bubble fades, she is a sitting duck unless she has a charged beam in a 1v1 situation.

However, if Roadhog can alternate between Zarya bubbles and self-heals to protect him while being pocketed by a healer, he can do more damage than 2 in the same time span and against a larger roster of the enemy heroes. If Zarya can jump between a Reinhardt shield and her own bubble while being pocketed by a Mercy, she can stay alive forever while blowing up the enemy team with a 100% charged beam.

The problem isn’t that tanks can do a lot of damage. It’s that stacking defensive and healing abilities with tanks and healers is more effective than stacking DPS characters for damage output (as they also don’t provide much defensive or healing power to their teammates), so the former wins out.


et tu, Silawatsi?

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Nerf Brigette

Making tanks tankier isn’t going to stop this comp. They’ll just run Zen Goats . Brigette is the enabler of this comp so until she’s nerfed it’ll still be dominat


As you can see, off tanks are the proletariat being scapegoated for the current meta economy of the game
We must seize the means of the objective


i like dem fightin’ words

but uh…let’s just unionize and fight to reduce the severity of the nerfs ok?

Roadhog simply cannot have another DPS nerf…


I see this getting said often, but it’s simply not true. Their numbers are incredibly similar with Dva taking the edge in most metrics.

Dva does not need a buff rn, and this is a huuuuuuuuuuge one


If Roadhog is too good, you are too bad.

But if you make tanks heroes just tank instead of doing damage you’ll be stuck with either Dive comp or 4+ DPS because players won’t want to play tanks. You need to give people a reason to play tanks and support and not always go DPS.

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Do you ever play comp?

GOATs is a thing, because the DPS are too opressiv atm. In 1 2-2-2 comp you are not able to carry as a tank and depend on your DPS.
And this sucks.
You want to be independent as much as possible, but bad DPS ruin the fun of the game for tanks, because you cant do as tank in this meta.

The only meta that allow tanks to shine is GOATs because if you run 3 of them you get a good syncro and play the game as it planned to play.

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I do not remember GOATS being anywhere in the ladder after Ana’s nerfs until Brigitte got added in the game.

Moira did not enable it since her release either. The very reason we can have 3 support compositions too is because Brigitte takes the spot of an off-tank, not of a healer.

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There is already a shortage of players willing to play tanks, this would make the problem much worse.

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Yes, make tanks feel even less satisfying to play by turning them all into glorified bricks, sounds great

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