GOATS Alienates me from OWL and this Game

Overwatch was my favorite game of all time.

The OWL was the cherry on top.

The best game ever made, with the biggest esport league to date…

But GOATS… what many players would consider a “cheese” comp… has changed the game entirely.

I now cannot stand to watch pro play.

I now cannot stand to play comp.

As a DPS player I have been losing interest/faith in this game for almost a year.

I hoped this latest patch would be enough to end this cheese.

My experience has actually been the opposite. People are now playing GOATS all the way into Diamond. OWL is making it MORE popular.

Why would you let something of such high quality turn into such trash?

If people can spam a cheese comp to gain SR, they will do it. It’s on the dev team to make the changes, and this has gone on far too long.


Gaots is boring to watch, yes. But at least it’s not the ONLY thing played. In the 8 matchups all 29 heroes have had some kind of playtime.

That being said, I’m betting Blizz gets rid of it at the end of Stage 1.

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Seems like a but of an over reaction, but okay.

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I’ve been seeing this all day on the forums,

“At least it wasn’t all GOATS”

This is how bad it has gotten. The game is not GOATS sprinkled with a bit of DPS for variety.

I can’t believe we’re STILL dealing with the consequences of Brig and this cheese comp.

THIS IS AN ESPORT. There should be some quality standard


Switch to EU servers.
No team is willing to play goats here.


It’s the meta right now. Every meta ever has been hated before evolving into something else. We’ll hate the next meta, too. It doesn’t make the game trash.


While you are right that a meta will never make EVERYONE happy,

Some metas are better than others.

A meta can be designed to highlight the strengths of a game.

Take CoD for example…

If the meta gun was a shotgun with the range of a rifle, the game would suck.

If the meta gun is a well balanced AR, and all other guns can still be used effectively, the game is fun.

GOATS is a terrible meta that suffocates DPS out of the game. A meta could be designed SO MUCH BETTER for Overwatch.


It’s all a matter of opinion. I find GOATS to be much more interesting than dive, double sniper, or Grav/Dragon. It relies much more on strategy rather than hoping for lucky one-shots. Every meta gets stale, though, regardless of quality.


I don’t understand how pro players playing difficult aim intensive heroes is “lucky one-shots”

And GOATS is this highly intricate/skilled comp…

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I guess it depends on who likes playing what. There’s always someone losing in metas, and in GOATs the majority (that is to say, DPS players) lose, which is why we’re seeing so much hate for it.

For main tanks and healers that play the popular heroes in this meta, they might like it. Those that don’t, or play heroes that are bad against this meta, dislike it.

Likewise, for those that played the popular heroes in DIVE they liked that meta, those that didn’t or played heoes that were bad against such a meta disliked it.

This is my opinion, at least. Just the way I see it.
Metas always have a losing side.

Which is exactly why some metas are better than others.

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Haha yeah I can totally see how I completely went against what I was saying when I expanded on it, proving your point.

I sabotaged my own comment, by myself alone. Great job, me.

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But as far as watching owl goes, goats is the most boring thing to watch. Nothing but gravs and shatters carrying fights. At least dive meta was fun to watch.


Was it, though? I can only watch Genji poke from max distance to farm dragonblade for so long.


I find watching goats and teams trying to run different things to counter goats much more enjoyable than dive. I’ve enjoyed this weekend of owl more than last season in general.

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Its because most of people in EU dont even know what teamwork, or even staing behind shield is.
Most teammates i had so far just run in direction of other team spawn, even when we are on deffence.

I started to play less and less qp and ranked because of that mind set of just rush foward.

you should join them. In many maps and points that’s exactly what you should do.

So on volskaya i should give up point for flanking genji and rush other team spawn just to get ulted by dva…

No thanks, i dont see fun in that.

Last time i saw this on koth map, as zen (i stayed back to be in range to heal and shoot but far away from spawn to not get killed by ults from there) i just watched as my friend and rest of the team goes there, and i just said “soo, we wining until they gona push us with ults right?”
Then dva ulted, 3 people die, and we lost point.
So much fun.

This sounds like something that happens in low ranks.

You seem already firm on blaming your teams and pretty sure that you know the game, but I’ll tell you this and ignore it if you think it doesn’t make sense.

it’s better to be in the wrong position with your team, than in the correct position by yourself.