"gm pickrates" bruh

stop bringing this up like it matters the majority of gm and top 500 players just play hitscan because its so abusable not necessarily cause the low speed projectile heroes are bad. you just get literally no value playing a character like sym against soldier or ashe or mcree or widow you just get stomped and thats whats played in high high ranks. so characters like that will forever be where their pickrate is sadly


This isn’t fully true.

Obviously not everyone is as good as a GM, and so it isn’t always wise to simply emulate GM picks. That being said, GMs do tend to pick whatever heroes are most optimal at that timeframe.

It just so happens that hitscan snipers, Ashe and Widow, are incredibly good, and have been so for a while. Particularly when your mechanics and positioning are top tier.

Low speed projectile heroes are actually pretty bad right now. There have been times where this wasn’t the case, and that was reflected in GM pickrate. These heroes being bad does not preclude lower ranked players from picking them though, as again, they aren’t GM players. They don’t need to play the most optimal picks, because the people they’re playing against aren’t as good to begin with.


Seems like gospel around here. Judging by the number of sheep in the world, particularly in competitive pvp games, it’s hardly surprising.


But you got loads of value playing sym into double hitscan when sigma first came out and the hero is barely any different now then it was back then .

Stop acting like hitscans have always been meta when doomfist/hanzo/mei/genji all had their time but get nerfed into oblivion a few weeks later .

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idk ifyou misunderstood or i miswrote it but i agree that they pick whats good and no matter what they do certain hitscans will always outdo projectile heroes

Weeks? Do you not remember how long the hell of the Doomfist meta lasted?

GM players pick what’s best in the game. That so happens to be tracer ashe and widow.

im not if you read the post you know im just talking about gm pickrates bud but i agree im not saying the games is horrinly unbalanced im saying gm players are pro fps plaers so there gonna use hitscan characteres cause its what theyre used to aiming wise and its free real estate

Many people focus way too much on emulating players who are much closer to perfect than we are. Which is why playing “meta” in ranks lower than maybe Master is just a bad joke. Meta and hero balance are pretty much irrelevant if you’re unable to eke out a hero’s fullest potential.

That becomes even more obvious when the lowest level players are absolutely wrecked by “noob stomper” heroes like Torbjorn, Symmetra, Mei and Bastion regardless of their (usually abysmal) place in the pro and grandmaster meta.

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its just funny cause like obviously if im a pro cs go player and i grab mcree or widow i could make it to diamond without any knowlede of the game whatsoever but bc i have aiming skill and fps knowledge yiu just eat on widow you dont even need to know anything aiming will do enough if your good enough

Gms picked Doomfist when he was meta.
Gms picked Genji when he was meta.
Gms picked Hanzo when he was meta.

It’s not just because they’re hitscan that Gms pick them.


I definitely see what you’re saying there. And it IS pretty common for GM players to just one-trick their way into top 500 with mechanics, not game sense. Kephrii is a pretty good example of riding your mechanics to the top, I think. He’s amazing, but it’s no secret that most of his talent is concentrated in his ability to click heads.

Right, and I said that’s not true. As proven by the countless non-hitscan metas that we’ve had over the years. Hitscan just tend to be meta because they’re more rewarding to better mechanics, but there have been numerous times where Hanzo, Doomfist, Symm, Pharah, Genji, and so on have been Meta. In the case of Genji and Hanzo, for quite some time.

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sigma was released into playoffs September 2019 and doomfist punch and shields got nerfed October 2019 after that he fall out of the meta in favour of mei/hanzo.

im not saying noones else is every gonna be meta im saying the pickrates will always be up there cause gm level players are fps players for the most part so there are alot of players where regardless of the meta theyll play their hitscan and get value while playing a projectile into a hitscan meta is immediatly noticably worse

Well, OW is an FPS more or less. I’m also going to have to disagree again. Playing CoD or CSGO or so on is drastically different from OW. The mechanics may be transferrable but that’s it. Things like positioning, target prioritization, and ability usage are far more important, and have little to nothing to do with hitscan itself or FPS players from other games.

I just don’t think this is true. The reason that “hitscans” are good in high ranks is because they’re just good heroes. A player in GM can make just about any pick work regardless of if it’s a hitscan or not. There are plenty of Doom or Sombra OTPs in GM despite neither of those heroes ever really being good on ladder.

I also want to create a distinction, there have been countless times where hitscan heroes such as McCree or Soldier have been borderline unplayable in GM compared to picks like Hanzo or Genij. It just so happens that Widowmaker has pretty much always been good except against GOATS, which was really only truly run at the pro level.

Widowmaker being busted does not mean hitscan is “always playable” though. It just means Widow has never been properly balanced.

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Are you really complaining about aim being rewarded in shooter?

Cheese/spam heros shouldn’t be (as) viable in the top ranks.

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So… you posted a whole thread about not bringing something up… that you were literally making a whole thread to bring up? Am I the only one confused about this?