GM asked me to bug report this connectivity issue

My exact problem is that when im using charcters such as doomfist or genji fast dashes and fast punches i freeze for like a second in midair and some times i lag back this doesnt happen often though on heros like ashe or anyother hitscan it isnt very noticeable but with doom and genji it is the symbol at the top left doesnt ever go away it is always there when im in game

My wifi also got upgraded not long ago and i use an ethernet and when i do a speed test online i average 100mbps download speed so i know why i get small but anoyying lag

After getting support and doing a couple things inside windows and nivvida i can say that my ingame connection to OW is much much better tahn it was before but i do still get the odd bit of frezzeing inmid air with doomfist doesnt happen often now but still there

What you describe sounds more like a system input lag performance issue. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to check out my guide here which may provide advance tips to minimize such appearances in your game.