Glitched/Destroyed Career Stats

You have yet to even acknowledge that this is happening. A LOT of us are still missing most of our career stats randomly, OR worse they are glitched and depleting sporadically as we play. No one is just going to forget that you glitched our hundreds of thousands of hours out of existence and have not acknowledged it in the slightest, or god forbid reassured people it’s at all fixable lol. Should we play? Should we stop? Can it even be fixed? You posted that our stuff was not lost but in no clear way does that refer directly to our butchered career statistics (some of which are purposefully deleted at least now in the first 30 some odd competitive seasons …ouch). I’ll at least spend a full one hour or more of life complaining about it on every platform you have until you blue post about it like you have with literally every other glitch happening. Your most loyal day one fans are cringing for a reasonable response, so that we know if we should abandon this sinking ship.


Perfectly said. They’re silent about this issue because it’s not directly tied to profit like the other issues are. They’re definitely an Activision company now


It’s happened to me as well. I had over 30 hours with DVa and now it’s down to 4.

It worries me that they won’t acknowledge it because they can’t fix it.

If all my history is wiped then I’m done with this game forever.


I just want answers man. I havent touched the game for a week cause i want my career profile fixed. There is no way i accept the fact im losing thousands of hours playtime from my stats and most played heroes. Been playing this game since closed beta ow 1. Pls give us info Blizz


It feels like they don’t even look at the forums at this point


I have faith in Blizzard still… But imagine if World of Warcraft players woke up to erased characters, armor, and achievements without any word for weeks on end lol. Blizzard is no longer the gold standard of polish that we grew up with.


My competitive stats are stuck at one game (10min of play).
We can se several hours of competitive play on the left, but nothing on the characters or on the right side of the the current competitive rank for any role.
What is going on…… it’s already been more than a month now….

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Insane that it’s been more than a month and no fixed to almost all of the major issues this game is having. TERRIBLE.

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My stats are also broken. I even have a negative number of lost matches with DVa and win percentage over 100 %.

I played mostly the Soldier for many hours and now the stats show that a different character has been played for most time.

Some of you want correct stats but I want to get my stats reset. It might be impossible to restore correct stats.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.