Give us time please

Please Blizzard give us time to log back in before you suspend us and take SR from us
Today I had a power cut for literally 2 seconds, 25 seconds later my computer had rebooted, I had to wait for my router to sort itself out, by the time I actually get back into the game I have been kicked, lost 50SR and got suspended. It’s this sort of unfair punishment that makes this game suck, Why won’t you just give us a bit of time to get back to the game, I did not desert I had a power cut. This is totally unfair

That has to happen that way, sorry. It’s to prevent people from intentionally disconnecting their routers

Trolls could just leave the game and return in an effort to throw but not “break the rules”

Also, from the god WyomingMist themself

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woah special snowflake