Give us a less masculine male hero. Please. (Also the meka squad šŸ¤– )

Trapwatch, eh? I can dig it.

well heā€™s ready but heā€™s not sure heā€™s ready because of inner insecurities that gets the best of him, but he tries really hard atleast for everyone elses sake.

courage is not doing something thatā€™s not scary to you, courage is doing something thatā€™s terrifying for you.
and thatā€™s very much his thing, he does it even if heā€™s about to break down because the future is at stake if he doesnā€™t.


I think a hero is taking shapeā€¦
I should get out a note pad.

Junkrat is reportedly 6ā€™5" and weighs about 155 lbs. He has to be literally all muscle or something. Maybe he gets extra support from his prosthetic peg leg.

I can see the anduin argument and I also agree with the later statement. I saw this thread and was like oh yeah i would love a character who is likeā€¦ and then tried to think of a blizzard game and drew nothing so thats my issue is that this seems to maybe just be a blizzard thing as a whole but I would love the whole socially awkward character thing I think it would be both funny adorable and a good counterbalance to what the current personality distribution is.


That, and he can carry a full sized tire that looks like itā€™s from a tractor, on his back, that has an engine in it.

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Itā€™s that radiation juicing him up

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Lucio is hardly what Iā€™d call ā€˜masculineā€™.

I was with you until you started preaching about the femininity of the robot horse.

the dude is ripped. like he could actually probably rip me in half if he wanted. plus his character fits into not necessarily the whole awkward archetype and more into the whole Im just REALLY upbeat all the time.

Take it from somebody who waxes philosophic regularly on the topic of masculinityā€¦ masculinity is largely subjective.

Iā€™ve dealt with so much ā€œmasc4mascā€ and ā€œare u masc lolā€ when I used to date that I could possibly write a thesis on it.

Iā€™d also say Lucio is hardly what Iā€™d call ā€˜feminineā€™ but I agree with your sentiment as well.

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I mean sheā€™s feminine but i was also pointing out, and i quoteā€¦

She is terrifying, massive, and strong.

I also agree with this.

OK but sheā€™s a robot horse. Under that logic we could argue that Zen is our effeminate male character because heā€™s not a big buff dude.

But I digress. I think your thread is valid and it would be really nice to get a male hero who isnā€™t the same alpha male archetype stamped over and over and over.

but lucio is outgoing and very approachable and is very much comfortable with him self. i think thatā€™s pretty manly tbh.

Heā€™s definitelly less masculine in comparison with inhuman meat-mountains (seriously is Rein even human? Or is he just man-sized but floating in a foam-filled massive armour?).
However without that comparison - the arms the legsā€¦ Lucio definitelly hits the gym, a lot. But hey, he at least passes for a human-looking human.
Itā€™s still only one man out of the entire roster.

PS. Lucio is actually way more masculine than you might assume, itā€™s just that you usually see him in his weird slouched skating posture.

Well thank you!

And yea, i just kinda noticed while playingā€¦ you have feminine gals, less feminine gals, andā€¦ ā€œMENā€

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YES This exactly.

He looks real small on the screen but heā€™s soā€¦ cut.

Reinhardt isā€¦ many things.
Many things that Chibi likes. <~< Just sayin.

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Manly men. The manliest men of all.

Honestly though the only characters on the male side of the roster that I think are well designed are Junkrat and Roadhog. Theyā€™re unique and theyā€™re not cookie cutter. Iā€™d toss Torb in there too but heā€™s more or less a WoW dwarf with a hook for a hand.

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To be fair, WoW dwarves are slightlyā€¦ Longer? I feel like torb is closer to a gnome lol

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