Give tanks stun and boop resistance

All tanks get 50% resistance to all form of stuns.
All tanks are affected by displacement abilitys by 35% less.
Meis freeze, syms turrets and doomfists sicmic slam are unaffected by this.
All other abilitys that cause movement or stun are affected by this.
Lets face it. Tanks need this pretty badly. We shouldnt be stun launched and punished for trying to play normaly.

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No thanks. With reaper being trash it sounds like this is a surefire way to make tanks all tanks extremely strong and goats being even more meta

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There’s no reason why tanks need this resistance when that’s their literal job, to be the one’s that tank abilities so that their fragile teammates don’t have to. This is why they have twice the health pool as any other hero, this is why they have defensive abilities to sustain these types of attacks. Even just applying a broad change like this would drastically alter how the game flows, now that tanks are even hardier and more difficult to attack. And how does “50%” even relate to some stun abilities? Does Roadhog reel you in half as much? Does Reinhardt stop charging halfway to a wall?

Why does every tank player in this game hate being a tank so much? I would just think signing up for the role of “biggest target on the team” voluntarily would mean they know what they’re getting into.

Knockbacks? Sure, why not.
Stuns? Heck no.

The tanks have enough HP to survive being stunned. and orisa can partially negate boops.

Make them immune to stun and you will get tank meta.

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This is a bug. They aren’t supposed to have knockback resistance.

I think it would be better to reexamine the heroes with stuns and knockbacks than to give sweeping changes to tanks. Tanks are ultimately already very strong, and it is important for abilities to behave as advertised. I believe a flat nerf to stun abilities so that it always behaves the same is better than either diminishing returns or per character/per class stun effects.

I think Blizzard should return to their original design philosophy on stuns. When the game first released stuns were either ultimates, hard to land skill shots, or required risky positioning, and almost all were blocked by barriers. However, since then 4 of the 7 new heroes have kits heavily focused on CC. Early CC had significantly more counterplay built in, while newer CC is built to be much more guaranteed.

I believe CC is an important aspect to the game that has proliferated too far. When I am playing Reinhardt I often feel like I get more air time than Phara. It makes for an absolutely miserable experience, even if it is ultimately necessary for the team.

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Yes but so far it does the job. I doubt they are going to fix it exactly in the middle of a CC crisis.

I don’t think there is a CC crisis. And if there was one, then tanks are to blame for it as well seeing how all of them has CC.

  • Zarya has small knockbacks from her secondary fire and pull from her ultimate.
  • Reinhardt has small knockbacks from his hammer swings, charge and stun from his ultimate.
  • Roadhog has hook.
  • Wrecking Ball has knockback.
  • Dva has knockback from boosters.
  • Orisa has pull from halt.

But that aside, I think all tanks can benefit from a knockback reduction.

They used to be fun, but with the death ball stun one shot meta. It’s incrediblely frustrating to play tanks rn. Especially up against doomfist where you can do nothing about it.

It’s very hard to hold ground now, its very hard to protect the team now. And with the burst damage of Widowmakers, storm arrow and slams. Its harder to stay alive than ever. Not to mention the game now has less heals in it.

Right now, this is the worst time to play tank.

Buffing tanks I don’t think is the option. I would want the burst damage stun meta meta go away.

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Sadlly, giving tanks CC immunity would push them even harder into the meta (looking at you GOATS). Although I understand how it sucks to be used as a pinball by everyone, along with your most consistent healing being speed boost.