Give Mery 2 Ultimate Options (Just Hear Me Out)

Outside Mercy’s current ultimate, which we all know is a bit underwhelming, she is fairly balanced at this point. The contention mainly lies in if Resurrect should be a normal ability or not (which it seems the developers believe it is so that will not change regardless of how anyone feels) AND that she is not very fun/impactful to play anymore (which the developers have started to subtly acknowledge).

I think not only gameplay wise but lore wise this would make sense:

Alternate Ultimate-Self-Resurrect:

  • When Mercy is killed with her ultimate the option for 7 seconds of respawn time switches to self-resurrect.
  • Lore wise Mercy has advanced her mysterious resurrection technology
  • Self-Resurrect would of course bring Mercy back into the fight, giving her the standard invincibility time as she respawns, similar to when she resurrects another player.
  • When she is resurrected she will announce it with “I will watch over you” the original Valkyrie uptime voice line. This will differentiate it from Valkyrie’s “Heroes never die”.
  • When she uses this ability her wing will sprawl out and send out a healing overtime burst of 60hp per second for 5 seconds to anyone who was initially within a 15m radius of her.
  • Her ultimate will now be used and she will have respawned wherever she died.
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I always thought of a self rez thing would work for mercy, however if you think of how it works. Basically mercy has to be killed first and then she can use it to not only bring herself back to the fight but heal those around her. However, I dont see much counter to this as mercy is dead. Unless there is some sort of vision of mercy that could be hacked or booped away from her body.

I guess some ults dont really have hard counters either such as EMP. Theres only three things you can do, 1. Hide if you know it is coming, 2. Ult before EMP goes off (this is more for zen since he is not effected by EMP) or 3. Zarya Bubble - This is only useful for those with shield health as the bubble will stop the loss of shield health, however the emp effects still occur. Oh and 4. this is hard to do but possible, kill sombra right before EMP goes off.

In the case of this secondary mercy ult, the only counter I could see is to anti-nade anyone near mercys bodys to stop the healing effects, but you wont be able to stop the rez.

No to the self Rez idea. You should have to work to survive in order to use your abilities; not die and get a second chance when you don’t deserve it.

Sorry but it rewards bad gameplay; Mercy needs the opposite, something that rewards good Mercy players because at a certain point Mercy becomes really limited even if no one can kill you.


I dig the idea of self rez.

Just a slight correction.
Resurrect is no where in the lore, it is purely a game mechanic.
Also many people like Valk and see its true value outside of holding down M1.

Many players, myself included, do not find Mercy’s ultimate to be underwhelming at all

Many players, including Jayne, feel that Valkyrie is one of the most powerful ultimates in the game, and arguably the very most versatile of the ultimates

that said, how about this instead: #BigMainLittleChains