Give me Workshop ideas

I wanted a few simple/basic ideas so I can try and make them in Workshop. I don’t know a ton about and have no prior knowledge in coding, so keeping things fairly simple would be prefferable. Thank you for your suggestions!

Try to make a simple game mod (like one I made).
It is fight 6 players vs 6 bots. Each time a player deals damage you store in a player variable (set h = damage / 2). When a player takes damage then a healer can heal him only amount of healing that is stored in H ( H = H - event healing ). If H rquals 0 then event healing will be interrupted. This way each player is motivated to attack bots to receive healing.

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i like setting people on fire when they are on fire… always a funny little touch :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s really really simple to do too…

it’s hillarious when they proclaim I’m on fire! smuggly then go ow ow ow ouch!