Give me stupid non-canon Overwatch facts in the replies

Sombra listens to ASMR


Mercy works in KFCā€¦

Lucio doesnā€™t make his music, he just steals other peoples music and pretends its his.


Ana Amari was Janina Kowalski.

Reaper is a ballerina.

Torb isnt a dwarf

Brig isnt hated by anyone

Oh wait i went into the actual gameplay my bad

The way Lucio jumps from a wall to another, is full off the exaggerated swagger of a black teen


brig is jetpack cat in a disguise

Brig was OP because sheā€™s from the Dark Souls universe.

this thing can be a half truth lol

Winston hate hamsters and balls!

Zarya wants to hug Reinhardt like a big, fuzzy, Siberian bear.

Bastion was actually the first omnic Torbjorn created.

Reaper has been brainwashed just like Widowmaker, hence his hatred towards anything related to Overwatch.

Hammond is actually a guinea pig.

Whoops I necroā€™d. The Story Discussion thread really is deceasedā€¦

D.Va is a DDD bust size. :laughing:

I wouldnā€™t worry lol, people donā€™t really care about necro-ing threads in the Story Discussion. I donā€™t think even the mods really care :sweat_smile:


Souljorn stole Baptisteā€™s Legs.
Whether I mean metaphorically or literally is up to you to decide.

This isnā€™t a stupid non-canon fact. Janina Kowalski is the Polish equivalent of Jane Doe given to an unknown female. It was Ana.

John Doe -> Jan Kowalski
Jane Doe -> Janina Kowalska
Nobody in Poland would call her by Kowalski but by Kowalska. If Blues want to keep going incorrect, then Ana should be called Jan instead of Janina - which is even more incorrect towards her.
Even more funny that by going with Janina Kowalski in the Bastet they made themselves incorrect to their previous Ana/Sombra teaser.

Going back to this stupid lore topic:
Zenyatta is the master of volleyball.

D.Va is a transgender

Winston was bullied by the other monkeys on the Horizon Lunar Colony

The original Overwatch HQā€™s destruction was an inside job orchestrated by Mercy

Reaper is prejudiced against Winston for being a monkey.

Reinhardt was genetically engineered to be as tall and buff as he canonically is and/or given super soldier serum like Captain America.

Mei was tired of living with other people in Antarctica and sabotaged the cryofreezing tubes for her coworkers after she disabled the cameras. Sheā€™s pretending to feel grief over their deaths to avoid suspicion and being charged for murder.

Mercy visits Torb over the holidays because theyā€™re having an affair.

Mercy has been leading Genji on so that he opens up and reveals secrets of his Shimada Clan. Itā€™s because Mercy is a huge weeb and wants to know how Genji creates ā€œthat cool green dragon thing-y with his samurai swordā€ (actual quote from Mercy)

Reinhardtā€™s favorite food is pancakes. He may or may not enjoy tomatoes with his pancakes.

Brigitte sings in the bathroom because the acoustics are amazing.

The handle of Genjiā€™s sword contains a hidden compartment that has a small roll of paper inside. On this piece of paper is Genjiā€™s address so that he never forgets where his car is parked.

Mei secretly hates the cold because her canned goods are ALWAYS frozen.

Mercy thinks line dancing is silly. But sometimes you do what you gotta do.

Symmetra found a carpet fiber out of placeā€¦once.

Baptist puts mustard on everything!!

A horse kicked McCree once. He says it didnā€™t hurt.

Torbjorn wants you to help him with his ā€œnope sackā€ (itā€™s where the Swedish meatballs are!)

Zenyatta will preach for a full sixty seven hours before telling everyone that religion is a fine thingā€¦taken in moderation.