Give me one reason why Pharah’s ult shouldn’t be buffed?

For the damage it outputs it needs to have sufficient counterplay, which is why it has all those drawbacks.

They should rework it to something like she gets free flight like Mercy Valk for 5 seconds while she fires down a rocket barrage but with weaker DPS and more AoE damage.

As I already outlined in the OP, that is not a good enough reason.

Again, as I already outlined in the OP, that is not a good enough reason.

No it doesn’t. If you are spamming it on a Rein shield or on tanks in general, that’s enough time for other DPS to flat out murder you yet if you’re targeting squishies, the tanks still have tools of their own to easily kill you (except Rein)

and that’s your personal opinion, which is objectively wrong. The most damage for a few draw backs. That’s good balancing at work.

I’m speechless that you would say this.

And you have the audacity to say I’M objectively wrong.

To that i say “no u”.

Because I really mean “no YOU are objectively wrong” because you are.

You cannot sit there and tell me that all of the weaknesses in this ult are somehow made up with it’s strengths which it practically has none outside of being high damage which is OBJECTIVELY not a good reason to say it’s good.

Honestly, the best reason, right now, why it shouldnt, is because you want it to be

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Except you know, Widow who in high ranks literally forces you to be a better widow or dive and hope she doesn’t know how to use grapple.

I prefer not to nerf heros who don’t need nerfs.

She needs a buff in survivalabilty and her ult.
No compensation needed in return.

shouldn’t be buffed but it should have a cancel button

But Deadeye got a set of buffs already to the point where it’s now literally impossible to counter-snipe. The damage ramp is also capable of shattering Symmetra’s barrier.

Where were you hiding under? A rock?

nope deadeye is still garbage

the buffs doesn’t do anything if he can’t even survive until he clicks the button, entire enemy team turns around and pokes you to death in a single instant

hide behind a shield? its predictable

flank? then we’re back at them poking again

Damage delta of 900-3600 damage. Tales of its maximum damage have been greatly exaggerated, Roadhog deals more at 4928 total damage.

Big, simple quality of life change – remove self-damage. Tracer too, all the major ultimates that have explosion damage shouldn’t harm yourself. Junkrat and D.Va bomb don’t deal self-damage anymore, there’s no reason why this should.

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I’d rather buff her base kit.

That’s because half(more like 1/3rd really)the roster is poorly designed. Most are f tiers with or without Pharah.

I think the only buff it could get is, less spread or something like. anything else would probably OP it.

A hero being more of an offender doesn’t excuse one that already is.

So she can body Doomfist, Junkrat, Reaper, Symmetra et al even harder and with less effort than it already takes to do so? Without room for counterplay due to being literally untouchable?

I’m sorry but I’m sticking to my guns on this one. Pharah is a horrendously designed character.

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Yeah see, when you downplay it from having the highest damage, to just high damage, it’s no wonder you somehow believe you have a foot to stand on in this argument.

It’s an ult, it benefits most by coordinating it with your team, in a team based fps that’s supposed to be played with your team. It’s drawbacks become negligent when you play with your team and minimize them. So yes. You are objectively wrong in thinking those weakness’ are not enough to make up for having the highest damage ult in the game. Your opinion of it not being enough is not grounds for a proper argument on the matter. End of.

I’m sorry, what? McCree can still kill faster with his primary than with his ult. It’s only at long range that McCree’s damage isn’t strong enough to kill an ulting McCree with his primary. Widow and Hanzo both charge up fast enough to one shot McCree before he can take off half their health. Tracer can still one clip faster than McCree ramps up his damage.

The only 3 heroes the changes to the ramp up scale are Reinhardt, Orisa and Lucio.

If you use the entirety of his ult, which rarely ever happens. And that’s assuming the other team lets you stand there, moving slowly while glowing, without killing you from behind a barrier which extends across the entire map.

No, I was playing McCree. The biggest change I noticed was Rein holding his shield up wasn’t a direct hard counter to a full charge deadeye anymore.

Well Chef, after these peeps served up some already RAW opinions… I actually agree with a buff. She should be able to move when using it. How much so… I leave that TBD.

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yes chef

lamb sauce aquired chef

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Because then Pharah will absolutely dominate everyone below Platinum. You’ll see a big chunk of players leave if Blizzard ever buffs Pharah’s damage in anyway.

A main glaring weakness but every ult has one

If you fly right over them and start dropping very quickly then yes. If you sneak around or try to surprise the enemy backline then you should be able to kill at least 2 supports and maybe a dps or tank.

So does, reaper, Roadhog, McCree, Brig (to use it correctly) and Winston.

It has a max of 3600 damage, that is 1200 dps (highly unlikely due to splash and the clustered shot but still very very high), it is only beaten by Whole Hog which is at 4928 bodyshot at close range (821 bodyshot dps and is also impossible due to knockback and the wide spread).

Pharah ult melts everything, the damage is not exaggerated, it is because people shoot the tanks
first rather than the supports or dps with it.

Barrage is probably the last thing that needs buffs in her kit, she needs a better way to stay alive without a Mercy but something that won’t make Pharamercy incredibly op for console or low ranks.