Give Junk the 0.3 Projectile size back

Nope, i get sick of the no skill nonsense people bring up, he has the slowest projectile in the game so it was the lack of skill from the player if they were hit.

The size of his bombs were never a problem.

Also Look at the post right above yours.


i think i know what im talking about for the most part


Even when his projectile size was 0.3, Junkrat’s were still spamming like crazy, lol don’t act like that won’t happen. Junkrat may need some love, but I think in exchange for that, his ult charge needs to be increased. He gets his tire way too fast and it’s obnoxious to die to it as it comes over random walls, many times per game.


85 damage mine in the air, 120 damage when planted on the ground

rip tire cost increased from 1575 to 2000

primary fire increased to 0.3

-A top500 junkrat main


This is perfect. Will we see it actually happen? Hopefully…

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Also he’s easy to play initially, hard to truly master.


I’m good for this my only issue with Junkrat is his ult damage. Its ridiculous for its ult cost and risks. As he stands, his kit relies so much on prediction that the only people who can play him are either gods or low ranked.

that’s the thing
I used to play Junkrat before his nerf and looking back at it, I am kinda fine with him being nerfed, its just a matter of it being the wrong nerf.
Back when I was still playing him, I was trying to learn how to lead shots out of mines and trying to get really good at 1v1s, but his grenades were super inconsistent. The thing everyone was complaining about was his spamming down hallways and choke points, (plus tire and double mine) and making it harder to lead shots instead of nerfing his say, firerate, it was just more beneficial to stick to spamming the choke than to attempt to lead shots.

i’d give the size back, but increase his ult charge rate as well.

Junkrat has a really fast fire rate. The issue before was that the grendades were difficult to dodge due to that fire rate.

There are probably ways to fix junk without returning to the wall of explosions.

Lol so that’s why before the 2 mine buff Junk was op because his nades were exactly the same.

Oh wait a second, he was trash. In fact that spam you talked about only works at plat and below. As you climb up the ranks you have to consistently hit shots in 1v1s as junk or your useless


Or we take away headshot multipliers for Hanzo and now he’s on par with Junkrat

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Gold and below.
Mostly below.

I’d be down to increasing projectile speed. Just, give Junkrat some way to actually aim his grenades where he wants to. If it turns out it’ll need a damage nerf to compensate or something like that - okay, so be it.

In his current state, there’s no way to do that. All you can do is spam around and hope the enemy just walks into your nades.

(Which does happen. A lot. But it’s less of a case of you being good and more them… not.)

He needs a mix of nerfs and buffs. Problem was they gave him the 2nd mine buff with no nerf to ult charge in the first place.
All these changes I propose would have to be after an increase in ult requirement/decrease in ult earned from mine or damage and a revert in the size of the primary fire.

Reduce splash damage and radius based on how many bounces the nades have had, a small decrease after 1 bounce and a med decrease after 2 because anything about 2 and beyond is normally blind spam that’s still existing or a pure miss. While after 1 bounce could be just using the tight space being fought in the deal damage without aiming directly at the target.
This would lower spam value overall and bad junkrats would just feed enemy supports.

Make mines flat damage of 80 in air and 120 planted so you can put mine on a wall next to a trap and still combo. But also put a soft cooldown of 1-2 seconds between mine detonation, so you can’t just double mine cheese a target for easy damage/boop.
The cooldown wouldn’t be affected by the overall recharge rate of the mines, so if you have zero mines recharged the cooldown would only occur after detonation of a mine and not pause or affect that recharge rate.

Really hoping we hear from the devs soon which heroes they’re looking at changing right now. He’s a throw pick gold and up and his pickrate is barely breaking 1% plat but still retains 50% winrate when back when sym one tricks had 2% pickrate they had a high winrate.

And don’t call him niche because what situation would you pick a slow easy to counter hero like junkrat over Hanzo who has wallclimb, dash, no reload, fast straight flying projectiles, stormarrow and isn’t completely vulnerable the entire duration his ult is going off.

Edit: fixed some typos

Speed? Sure. Size? No way. It feels much better going against Junk and being able to actively dodge his projectiles when you see them coming. Getting hit by something that it seems like you’ll be able to avoid causes a lot of player frustration. cough hanzo cough cough

By the way, smaller projectiles encourages landing precise skillshots. Larger projectiles encourage spamming, because you don’t need accuracy. Your logic is flawed.

Smaller shots discourage skill shots because it becomes a lot harder to hit. So you’re going to miss a lot more of your skill shots.

Spamming is firing as much as you can and hoping they hit. That’s what the smaller projectiles encourage, spraying and praying.

Just read this if you aren’t convinced


Junkrat does need a way to let him aim his projectiles somehow. It is physically impossible to aim with him in his current state. Which, ok, if he’s supposed to be a low-aim hero… how IS he actually supposed to hit anything then?

Aim don’t do it, splash damage don’t do it, so what do it?

Junkrat kind of just needs a rework. His design at it’s core is just bad, and this is coming from someone who pretty much only plays Junkrat these days.

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