Give Hanzo the Junkrat treatment

Aren’t we all?


I pick my battles. :woman_shrugging:t2:

lol I read the title and thought " you want to give Hanzo two storm arrows before cooldown??"

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I figure reduce the arrows to 3 and up the damage to 75.

If 240 damage that can’t headshot with a slow projectile is a problem.

Then 545 damage with a fast projectile that can headshot for double that. On half the cooldown.

It’s a problem.

gasp! How’d you know :wink:


On the serious note, can someone ban this guy from ever creating a thread again??? this is such an illogical argument.


Devs have stated Hanzo’s projectiles are the second smallest in the game? How much smaller would they have to go to make you happy?

And your little ‘aim better’ jab? Really? That’s all you can come up with?

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Yeah cool, but why am I still getting head shot when arrows hit me in the boob?

Even if the arrow hit boxes themselves are fine, it looks like maybe the other hit boxes aren’t.

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Just dont get hit by hanzo’s arrow dude 4Head

Don’t forget they’re already building draw backs into the new skills of an already underpowered and never picked hero.


I mean i think it is fairly easy to aim with them and I’m on console, I charged my ult in 40 seconds yesterday and I wasn’t even fully committed to the game (in QP) I even got the cute spray. So I have no idea of what you are complaining about.

5 Hanzo hours, 25% average accuracy and 6% crit.

Yeah all dem headshots boi! I can be blind and headshot 24/7 with handsoap! Nerf handsoap!

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Hanzo is hardly a sniper, last time I checked his range was almost the same as Mcree’s.

I think the nerf Hanzo needs is on his Storm Arrows ablity. Or more like a rebalance. Give him 75 damage, more delay through two SA shots, and a slight damage falloff.

No one deserves the Junkrat treatment, not even Junkrat.

He needs some balance, not a bullet to the knee.