Give a proper halloween skin

I think Dva should get some kind of skin that looks like a Monster or something for her mech, and Dva herself something the monster ate.

I was thinking of the Mech Being Pac-Man and her a ghost but the Copy right of that probably wouldn’t work.

To each is their own, as I personally I love how the Waveracer skin turned out and I like the dolphin motif.

I’m with you though for wanting a badass a skin for D.Va. Prior to the reveal of the Meka squad and their personal one-of-a-kind mechs, I would have pushed for a generic army or navy camo color and themed mech for D.Va, with a more generic pilot suit or maybe even a prototype mech with test pilot jumpsuit. Now though, for how unique all the mechs are portrayed, I’m not sure D.Va’s mech is so standard. I’m under the impression that Tokki seems to be designed and tailored just for Hana.

Reaper has 2 LEGENDARY Halloween skins and you’re mad about Pharah?

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Not every hero is represented in every event. D.Va isn’t in Halloween, but she has two for the summer event. Pharah has 0 summer skins. Additionally, after this update D.Va and Pharah now have the same amount of skins (number of legendaries and epics).

Also, the following don’t have Halloween skins either: Brigitte, Genji, Lucio, Orisa, Tracer, and Winston (Sombra also, but there is some evidence that points to her getting a skin so…) There are always some heroes that aren’t represented in every event. And honestly, its totally fine. Some heroes just don’t need to be represented in every event. Ideally, they would be, but it’s also okay to skip an event for a hero (and honestly prefer that. At least for a period of time, you see less of that hero, which can be really refreshing).
*McCree is the only hero represented in every event…and multiple time in a few. Don’t know why…guess the team likes cowboys?

I still like the skin, more or less. Wish they’d quit with all the blue. Officer, Waveracer, Cruiser, Junebug…

It seems like it. Still, I’d love something fitting the aesthetic. her Starcraft skins in HotS are close, but not quite what I want.

Yes, D.Va has enough blue skins. She could certainly use a nice red skin.

I gave it some serious thought for the last hour, and found it is real challenge to come up with any good ideas—especially Halloween themed—to fit her constraints. Even for a general skin design, the matching mech and pilot theme, along with the mech being best described as a flying or bunny hopping “egg with gun arms and legs” in shape certainly makes for a difficult to come up with something original.

I can see why they took the Junker path and the bug mech designs as her original alternatives (I was thinking of another, preferably predatory bug, and thought of a ladybug, only to be stumped by the design for the pilot). D.Va’s bursts of flight can resemble that of some bugs (no wonder they came up with the B.Va bee motif). She bunny hops, leading to thoughts of rabbits, but but her one epic design incorporates a stenciled bunny Frogs are reserved for Lucio. Fleas hop, but I can’t see that idea going anywhere. Kangaroos…? That would be another (unneeded) Australian theme. However, going along that line of thought, instead of another Mad Max-like design, D.Va could have a sort of spiritual Steve Irwin tribute: a stylized (and somehow not dorky) crocodile design for the mech, and a savanna explorer getup for Hana. It is not really a Halloween skin or a design I see fit for Overwatch though, and in retrospect, really isn’t much different in description than the shark mech / wetsuit D.Va.

Going with the sci-fi theme, the power loader from the 1986 Aliens movie is badass, but I think they already drew inspiration from it for the Junker D.Va skins and the mech props in Junkertown. As a global product trying to appeal to a wide demographic, I don’t think they will (or even should) look for the generally less well-known mech designs from animes cherished by niche fan circles as sources of inspiration. Fantasy/Sci-fi? I guess they could create a steampunk design, but that theme is not really something I care for.

I really don’t know what to suggest at this point, but I think I will stick with promoting either the HOTS Destroyer D.Va, a Starcraft mech (specifically, the Goliath?) or maybe some kind of similar fantasy demon or fantasy robot construct to fit the bill for a cool or badass skin. :man_shrugging:

I agree, but what I REALLY want is a purple skin that isn’t OWL.

I agree. I was wondering if there was a way to cheese a Gumiho or something, but Gumiho are usually portrayed as kinda cutesy even though they eat hearts.

Omg I’d love this. I miss Steve :frowning:
Maybe a sort of dragon for the mech? Same vein as the shark idea.

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I think the pumpkin skin suits Hammond, but I sure hope they find something interesting to give Dva eventually. One of the few characters I’ve never swapped off of epic skins for. Give Her a good legendary blizzard she needs it!

if Blizzard ever did Halloween skin for, I want it to be the same as in Heroes Of The Storm

if dva does not get a Christmas ,archives or Halloween skin for 2019 you can say good bye to me blizzard i’ll rejoin when dva gets a skin stop ignoring her and mercy they both need attention no mercy players anymore cause cough cough healing based only i think most DPS mains are with me. blizz team laughs at this post then deletes it already gets enough undeserved praise and perks. She can take a backseat for once. The pumpkin goes to the hamster.

She just got 2 awesome skins, and I’m grateful for them, but a Halloween-themed one would be so amazing! I was thinking she might get the pumpkin, but now that it’s gone to the hamster, I’m fine with that. My vote is for Destroyer D.Va from HotS, but I’ll take any bad*** creepy/spooky skin, please! :ghost:

I’ve equipped Black Cat in the meantime, which is only meh for me.