Give Cassidy a horse

Why, that’s a great idea.

It fits his theme as a (space) cowboy.

Have I responded here before, I don’t know. I’m getting duviri flashbacks running people over with my :horse: oh no.

The horse allows him deal double damage to animals (and Orisa) for 10s.

While :horse: is active, Casserole can kick people while riding with E, SHIFT can hit people, and he gets unlimited dual revolvers that deal less damage to non animal (or Orisa) heroes.

Or if he holds Q instead of mounting the :horse:, it runs forward and eats people.

Or as a regular ability… Make it a summonable entity.

This is so funny i love it

Torb refused to make him one.

Yes he is.

yes, and that reason is because his fanbase is the largest one out of any other hero, and since dps is so terrible in terms of viability as a whole, it really doesnt matter what dps you play the result will be the same since tanks and support dictate the outcome of the game.

No, it would just close the already massive gap in power between dive and poke on sniper maps making overwatch… more overwatch.

hitscans are too strong and are present almost every game, back when widow was meta it was literally COD with a cartoony style of graphics.

Ooh and fly the horse should fly

Ya know, at this point I don’t think anything could convince you guys that he’s fine.

He could have homing 500 damage shurikens and you’d be like “nuh uh he’s just popular because he’s fun”

He’s fine. That’s why he’s doing fine in t500 with a healthy representation among t500 players and high playrate everywhere.

Dps is the weakest role, yes, but acting like it doesn’t matter who you play or that picks don’t impact it is silly for tons of reasons I don’t even need to explain since they’re immediately obvious.

Give Cassidy a horse and he’ll ride for a day. Make Cassidy part-horse and he’ll ride for a lifetime. :sunglasses:


the same could be said for you, he could be wielding a pool noodle with 0 dps and you would still say he is amazing

If he was still all around top500 like he is now he’d clearly have some strength that you’d be downplaying.

I’m pretty sure Hanzo called dibs on the horse

its almost like, when every dps is garbage and the most picked one appears more in higher ranks :exploding_head:

theres a reason why pro players, top of the top players, people like flats etc. all say there is absolutely no reason to play genji except for having fun, you gonna argue with flats? with pro players?

if anything, his highpickrate only shows that he is terrible because it is massively disproportionate to his appearance in top 500, every other hero will show up normally in top 500 relative to pickrate, not genji, genji is very scarce in top 500 for his pickrate.

Yes, because his value comes from places that aren’t apparently obvious when playing him.

He has resets. He is the only hero in OW to have resets. He also has deflect.

As long as he has these two mechanics, his lethality will always need to be lower to compensate. That’s how power budgets work.

This is some backwards doublethink that only one suffering from hero main bias and being spoonfed exaggerations by others could think.

There’s really no point in us talking when you twist logic to ignore facts for the sole purpose of wanting your main to be #1. Which wouldn’t even be a good outcome for you since he’d get nerfed soon after and probably end up a lot worse.

Going to ignore these sorts of genji balance replies from now on since I can’t argue against personal biases.

I don’t care what it takes. I need a horse in this game now.

you definitely wouldnt know them even if they existed, argument based on nothing.

doom, JQ, soldier has an unlimited sprint, illari’s pylon has an indefinite life span, recall resets tracer’s ammo.

there are plenty of resets in overwatch MORE than what i just listed.

zarya, sym, brig, moira, phara, junk, ana, ball, winston, and more all have their ways around playing this eight second cooldown.

thats not how power budgets work, those two have already compensated for themselves, deflect doesnt let him shoot, doesnt block lasers, doesnt let him turn his back to the enemy
dash can punish him if used wrong, has 50 damage, only resets if someone dies and you either finished or tagged them. if you asked me, i would rather have tracers recall on genji for even 20 seconds on cooldown rather than deflect because half the time that thing doesnt work due to its bugs.

wanna know who doesnt follow by power budget rules? Brigitte, her flail does 70 damage every 4 seconds and directly compliments her passive allowing her to safely activate it for free with no risk.
or how sojourn can literally onetap people on the body if she had a mercy and ana pocket, or how damage boost can stack in general and because of that genji got his blade nerfed (yes that is literally the only reason it is 110 and not 120, the devs saw how dmg boost stacked with his blade and their knee jerk reaction was to nerf genji)

the absolute delusion of you still thinking this hero is good is just baffling and really goes to show why overwatch started dying in the first place, idiotic players like you just dont know how the game works then ask for mega support buffs when they never needed them the first place.

clearly you have some of your own personal bias