Give bastion headshots

You don’t have to kill. As soon as people realise they’re getting shot by Bastion, they’re already down to half health and they’re not getting into your fire-zone.

Bastion 1.0 was not oppressive, in fact, he was quite weak.

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Are we talking about the 180 degree 1000hp shield bastion?

No, that’s beta-Bastion. Bastion 1.0 is the version he was when the game released.
Bastion 2.0 was when he had 35% Ironclad and was OP. Bastion 2.5 is what we are on now.


If he was in Sentry form, behind a shield, he was a nightmare, add in a Mercy damage amp… Jesus H Jehova’s Witness, he’d rip through an entire team at a choke point in mere seconds.

Yes, with lower base damage…

Then why do Widow and Hanzo have headshot damage? He does 125 per bodyshot, and she does 120. That’s a lot of base damage…

Not really… His damage falloff is 35 - 55 meters, but he sucks at those ranges… Bastion's real damage output (kinda)

Yes. I’ve been playing since beta. If the enemy had a Bastion, didn’t walk into his line of fire because it’s an active freaking machine gun. Nowadays, that’s a perfectly viable strat, which is stupid.

If you’re giving up the instant you see a Bastion, that’s on you. That’s you being a bad player that refuses to adapt. That’s another reason he got a net nerf out of the rework, people didn’t want to learn to counter him, so they cried instead.

I suppose that’s why his pickrate dropped in the last 3 months then…?

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By himself he was not.

If you are talking about 3 heroes together of course that would be strong, it’s half their team.

Maybe in Comp, I’m talking in QP, I see him all the time now.

No, because it’s a thread about Sentry mode’s awful damage. If you want to play Recon mode all match, just use Soldier, he’s much better than Recon Bastion.

He’s faster, has more DPS, has burst potential, has more mobility options, has a smaller hitbox, has a smaller critbox, can heal his team, has a much easier ultimate that can get more done…

Recon isn’t meant to be Bastion’s main mode. It’s supposed to be useful, but Sentry is what Bastion is about. That’s one of the reasons he has a massive minigun on his back.

Because people don’t care about losing there

Also, his pickrate dropped by 0.1% (from 0.6% to 0.5%) in quickplay too

That can be said of literally anyone…

If Pharah has a Mercy boost and the target has a Discord orb, then she one shots. Should she be nerfed into oblivion too?

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I disagree, I think it’s about a proper balancing act.

But that mostly comes from a background in Attack Orisa-ing where you take space in phases.

bastion is a garbage hero

Which is why he should be buffed.

Another quick note. Since Bastion lost a massive chunk (well over half) of his damage, there has been a lot of stuff added to the game.

Mercy got Valkyrie, allowing her to heal her team much better
Orisa got added to the game, giving an effective 1800 barrier HP for Bastion to get through
Brigitte was added to the game, adding another 600 barrier HP
Brigittes armor was added to the game
Brigittes ultimate was added to the game
Moira was added to the game, she can heal her team pretty well
Mei lost her damage falloff, allowing her to snipe Bastion
Hanzo gained Storm Arrows and a projectile speed buff, allowing him to spam out a Bastion

There’s a lot more that Bastion has to get through and a lot more that can kill him, but he remains just as weak as he was a year and a half ago…


And Sentry mode isn’t balanced. Why does he have more spread than Sombra, yet he can’t move? He can’t close the distance between himself and the target, why does he have SMG level spread?

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Sombra doesn’t have a 300 round magazine.

if bastion gets buffed people are going to quit playing this game

he’s cancer by design and can be played by a trained monkey.

why do the forums want MORE spam in the game? people are talking about buffing junkrat and bastion.neither of those heros should ever be meta. spam should only work on certain maps against certain comps

Fine by me… If they can’t be bothered to learn to counter a hero, they shouldn’t be playing the game in the first place.


That is also part of the proposed Sentry changes, reverting his ammo back to 200. And you want Bastion to be a spray and pray hero? Because that’s what 300 rounds and awful accuracy does, forces players to stay in Sentry way longer than they should because they can’t kill anything. It actively promotes a lack of skill.