Give ana a "im reloading" line

i simply just say reloading in voice chat and hope my teammates understand that and back out a bit and hopefully dont push in :smiley:


This change would be so perfect it hurts. Please let this happen.

if they push in they’re feeding, you called it, you did your job. What your team does with the info you are giving them is up to them.

this would help prevent having to say reloading in voice chat every time

I dont think it would :smiley: some people might not even hear anas voiceline then like they dont hear moiras.

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This recommendation has been on my QoL suggestions thread for several months now.

One thing I’ve tried to take into consideration specifically for the ana recommendation is that she reloads frequently and that not all her teammates want the audio cluttered with her callouts.

I recommend she only plays this line to the player she is looking at or nearby players on critical health.

This way Ana can make sure a specific player knows she is reloading without having it bother other players who don’t need to know.

How about you join voicechat and tell them yourself?

This is precisely the problem with creating an automatic voiceline like this… its just another snippet in the game where characters say random stuff. It’ll get lost amongst everything else that is happening. Moira says “Not ready” only a fraction of the time.

When Moira runs out of juice she says “I need to recharge”.
It is pretty quiet tho, probably due to her design. I don’t see Moira screaming “IM OUT OF RESOURCE!!!” XD

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How about you start telling everyone to never press the x cause they need healing?

The amount of spam that ONLY healers hear as people press X while the healer is dead/out-of-resources/waiting-on-cooldowns is ridiculous.

I’m a flex player who prefers healing and the amount of spam I get from people who can’t get on point has, on multiple occasions, driven me to switch from being the only healer on the team to some-character-I-haven’t-yet-learned because reducing the team to no healers is the ONLY WAY to get the dps and tanks to hear the spam.


i prefer players that spam x then those that stay silently there and expect u to turn around and heal them.

nah it’s annoying. ana only needs to tell people she is reloading if it’s a situation where it actually matters. say rein was in the middle of a brawl. i’d let him know as he wants to be dropping shield and brawling when i have a full clip, not while im reloading. saying i’m reloading all the time is just spam.

Hey, I agree. And when they start spamming crap like that, I tell them that they need to be more aware of who their healer is. LOS necessities, grouping up, etc. You spamming GROUP UP in response to their spamming I NEED HEALING isn’t going to help your team at all.

Yes, there are definitely bad healers (i.e. dps moiras) but even with just 1 healer on a team, chances of a victory sky rocket.

IMO, all support players/mains need to be in voice chat because, arguably, they are the ones saving games and the ones with critical callouts because supports are typically targeted in general.

that’s a good point. maybe it would only do it when you’ve used all 14 shots?

have it only play when you shoot at least 6 shots

And my experience as a flex player that mostly plays healers then tanks, is that healers are constantly looking for teammates that need healing. Hitting X is only occasionally necessary.

This needs to happen! I would love this quality of life change!

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Bumping this 100% thread




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