Girls of Overwatch

So interested!
Discord: buns#3886

Hi is it ok if I join I’m a 13 year old boy and I can never find people who are nice to me or want to play with me and when I join a game and talk they say shut up

I would love to join too!
Cirilla #21726

Hey I’d love to join if you’re cool with newer Overwatch players. My discord is Vindictive#4806

Hey hey! Definitely down to join this, if you don’t mind.

Discord: Thaenduil#5694
B-Tag: Thaenduil#1171

Interested :wink:


Add me :slight_smile:

Discord: snowkitty#8012
Battle tag: snowkitty#21369

I am in the group and it has not been active lately for some reason, you could always add me though Noor#11893 im a pretty active casual player and looking for peeps to play with.

Would love to play and rank up! :heart:
Bnet: Vision#11700

Not sure if this is still an ongoing forum but i would love to join!

dis; marvelchicken#8446

This sounds cool! Mine is Hooey#11829

I’m a dude, but just wanted to wish you all the best of luck in expanding your all-girl team! It’s sad that this even has to exist, it disgusts me that so many of my gender behave like such degenerates.


Hi, is it still active ?

Sure tho Pokimanje#1313
I’m from NA but I really support your idea
Also my discord is wazzup#0818

If this is still active, I’d be super interested. I’m anti-pineapple#4328 on Discord, antipinap#1367 on Bnet.

I’ve been playing solo for the longest time and it’s getting boring D: Feel free to add me for QP or arcade. I’m still too nervous to step back in comp.

Hi! I would like to come back to play some Overwatch! I sent you friend inv on Discord.

Hey, don’t know if this group is still active, but it’s sounds great. Been looking for a chill group to re-learn the game with and eventually get back into comp:)
Discord: (M)Ari#0552

Please add me this server aswell :slight_smile: I play in Europe zone referz#21160

I am going to refer my daughters to this thread. Thanks for doing this!