GG Genji it was fun

Lol the dps passive should’ve never been here to begin with

For starters, Hanzo is missing half of it


Tell me you rely on a broken hero without telling me you rely on a broken hero. With no CC to counter his insane mobility he is broken. Sombra is too for the same reason. Why they changed damage numbers is beyond me.


Finally the sins of the Genji mains have caught up to them.

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Again, 6 damage, even if it changes breakpoints, isn’t exactly an insurmountable number. Just fire off one more shot.

If it’s death consistently, methinks you were never good at Genji


This is such a bad argument lmao. The character lives and dies on bursting down targets so saying it’s a “skill issue” makes no sense when they substantially nerf the character’s burst damage to the point that he can’t confirm kills and get a reset.

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So what are you gonna tell to the best Genji players in the game after they stop playing the hero

“Damn man skill issue get good”


If Genji isn’t meta, he isn’t meta. At which point, if they can’t run him, then yes it’s a skill issue.

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He can still burst down a target, you just need to put more thought into who you’re going after since you can’t just ignore supports anymore.


He literally can’t, they removed his kill combo so now you don’t miss or you’re dead :grinning:

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Yeah okay, and Mercy can’t keep anyone alive because she doesn’t heal enough. That’s what the people here like to tell you.

Zarya counters genji too

Ah true that, forgot about her, only thing is that she mostly can’t stop him when he is flanking, but she can use Graviton to stop a Genji’s ult if your team lacks Zen or Lucio.

funny how the devs havn’t even came out bout surjourn

Seems pretty balanced in QP.

GM shouldn’t be balanced for. GM is where the outliers live. The balance should be somewhere in the silver-gold-platinum range. That is where the most players are, that’s where the game needs to be the most balanced so all the normies can play their favorite characters and buy stuff for their favorite characters.

U know the best part?

They mentioned that they were going to communicate with the players more.

“so that was a f***ing lie”

Exactly what happened
Now sojourn isn’t getting nerfed…

I am.

Also nerf Sojourn.

She probably has a set of skins in the line up they wanna sell first.

Unjustified or not as long it gives us less Genji players i am, because i am getting bored with all the “pro” wannabe’s that constantly plague the games where its guaranteed to see Genji and Widowmaker every game.

Other then that I do hope Sojourn is getting the nerf hammer too later for those that play higher rank.