Getting kicked out of ranked game without loading in

can yall fix your game already??? got suspended and kicked out of a ranked game that i never got a chance to even load into. internet is NOT the problem. now im suspended for 14mins and probably will have a derank since it counts as a leave.


Happend to me twice today and now im suspended for 1h…


kicked me twice without loading in

Same, it’s not fair to be punished for the game bugging out. I rarely even leave QP, I’m not gonna just leave comp…

Happened the same to me. Got suspended one hour by a connection error while I was in competitive queue.

I had started a comp search. While searching I went into deathmatch and once it found a server it kicked me out of deathmatch and I got to the mainscreen. I waited figured it was just bugging or lagging since I didn’t join any game but it said that is was joining a game.
Then it just said failed to connect to the server and I got back to main menu. On the main menu instead of it saying Play it said “rejoin match” as if I had joined one. So I clicked it and nothing happened. Then it dissapeared and came back as Play again. So I thought it was just a bug but when I tried to search for a comp game it came up that I was suspended for 15 minutes. I don’t want a penalty leave on my win streak?


I´m gonna uninstall this poor game. Got server failure joining ranked and now I´m suspended.

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When did this happen? Is it still failing to connect now?

After having the same issue, I did some game and it has an impact on the number of games you’ve left even though it was a bug, so I got a hard penalty on my rank. I just wanted to play yesterday and as the game I couldn’t load in I got kicked and couldn’t do anything but accept this poor situation…

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Yeah happanned to me too, got suspended after that and now I didn’t even ranked up even tho I won 5/2… like they punish me for their bad game istg

tip for today : don’t play competitive, servers are heavily bugged

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happened to me too. now i got two left games and 1h suspension.

You are not alone in experiencing this issue. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: False Suspension And Ban. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

That’s it bruh… it happened 3 times to me i 12 hours. Yesterday at like 1 pm it happened 3rd time and its now a 8 hours ban. I know next tine is going to give me like a day or a week and what can we do about it? Nothing. It’s a sh!t game with a super sh!t reporting system, where you literally get banned for nothing. They have a bug whereyou dont even join the game and it counts as a leave :joy: yeah well appart of accepting the situation, we can in fact do nothing. I am creating an alt account right now in case i get a heavy ban