Getting kicked for inactiviy in Junkenstein's Revenge

Got kicked for inactivity while playing Junkenstein’s Revenge even though I was moving around. Was playing as Zenyatta.


Having the same issue, today happened again with Zenyatta…

I had the same issues but with Widow

I am having this problem as well, was using brig and defending the gate and I was kicked for inactivity…

Just has happened to me with Ana

Happened to me as brigitte

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had same thing happen 3 different times, on Zenyatta everytime, once it fixed itself, next time it happens think I will run into a bad guy and see what happens…lol

Same! I get kicked for playing as Zenyatta! I got kicked around 3 times for healing my teammates…

also happening for me, all characters only in junkenstein games. any word on what it is cause I was trying to finish up my achievments…

Came to report this issue, glad it isn’t only me.

I am also constantly getting kicked out of Junkenstein’s revenge for inactivity but while I was actively playing and moving around. Happens to me in every game! Has been happening to me since the event started. It also seems to happen more often when I play with Brigitte. *on ps4

Just had this happen to me, everything was fine for several matches. but then i played Mcree and it happened.

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I keep getting kicked for inactivity also (on endless), always when using Brigitte, extremely frustrating, as it’s always when I’m on a perfect team. I kill a few things in the beginning but I’m mostly healing my teammates after a little while and not getting to kill anything, as my teammates are doing an excellent job of destroying everything. I move around by the door, while healing and making sure nothing gets close, but boom stupid inactivity pops up. Even healing a teammate doesn’t stop it. I found that you actually have to kill something to cancel it out. Which I attempted and failed, since I was on the perfect team. This needs to be fixed! At the very least, I needed to be able to rejoin my team!

Such BS as finding good teammates can be hard, especially when I’m trying to get achievements.

I also have the same issue

My friend just got kicked for inactivity while playing brig twice in a row while i was watching her actively provide us with armor packs and fighting Zomnics. She would be right in the middle of flailing a Zomnic and it would kick her.