Getting bullied in comp for playing Sigma

I played enough of him in quick play to know how his Abilities work. I know how to use his ult. My aim is good enough, please stop harrassing me, its only been one day.

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I’ve had at least one Sigma in all my comp matches so far, and usually they’re pretty decent. Don’t know where this Sigma hate is coming from.

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To the OP:

Right? I grabbed him once too. There was this dumb enemy Pharah who was being annoying, so i was using my barrier and kinetic grasp (she tried solo ulting me lol) to deal with her. It worked great.

Honestly, the only time I would have an issue with someone using a hero in competitive, is if they’ve never used them before. But, I, like you, spent a bunch of time playing him, before I even thought about using him in competitive.

Also, if I really want to be “that guy”, I would say that this is a beta season, so who cares? We’re all just here to learn the new hero and the forced 222 format. There’s no reason for people to get bent out of shape

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The likelyhood that this one player will remember you and look into this thread is pretty low isn’t it?

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You shouldn’t be getting harassed, but I will say he isn’t a good main tank on defense. He can definitely be run as main tank on offense (and I think he pairs best with Zarya, though Dva isn’t too bad either with her nuke ult combined with his) But if you’re going to run him on defense I think it needs to be as an off tank. I think you need and Orisa or Reinhardt on defense. He can’t really do much to stop anyone from pressing W and it’s much easier to not shoot into his kinetic grasp when he isn’t the one walking into you.

Yeh it’s a bit odd why someone is so bothered by it in the off season. Seems like the perfect opportunity to use a new hero in what’s likely going to be the new norm of role lock.

Does this mean many people have Sigma…Stigma?

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I have been harrased about it too. Tell them it is either Sigma played properly or no shield Rein and they will come around. They always do.

Seen one good one.

What I wonder is why you’re trashing your MMR by learning a brand new hero in comp?

I know the stats aren’t saved, but it’s not clear if MMR carries over or not, and I just wouldn’t take that chance.

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Bc it’s not about who you want to play it’s about what heroes can help your team at the moment. It seems that everyone who wants to play Sigma refuses to switch even when dying over and over again. If you didn’t play him on PTR then you really have not had enough time to really understand how he works. it’s been one day and probably should not be playing him especially in comp regardless if it’s just beta bc that is where ppl take it seriously. Quick play is a thing for just that reason and they have every right to be upset if you are causing losses.

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Throw the rock at them.

I was wondering about this on my own. I don’t think they should have added him to ranked.

Inasmuch as it is a Beta season, there is SR involved. I won’t justify toxicity of any nature but it is also a bit of a questionable thing to play Sigma without considering others. In my very first match just after the new patch went live i was surprised to see Sigma already picked & i was asking myself how many hours / minutes the player had really on Sigma. Its low elo, i don’t know too many of us who play on PTR much.

Not saying its fine to harass anyone cause at the end of the day its their own SR but i get how someone may be concerned about such a decision.