Get rid of Levels

I started noticing how toxic this game gets regardless of the mode you were playing (competitive, qp, arcade) when it comes to playing with high leveled players. What lot of those clueless (insert whatever insult) don’t get is that levels does not mean direct reflect of player’s skills. It is just a indication of how long you have played the game.

What I fail to understand is Over Watch Dev’s direction. They say they don’t want toxicity in their game but by design the leveling system does not reward or benefit the players of their game. Some people just want to chill after work and play casual quick plays but with the current leveling system only opens up false expectation and less people being proud of putting hours into this game.

At the end of the day I just want to play this game to have fun not to prove to some (insert whatever insult) that my time put into this casual game need to be validated because of whatever border I have because of my level.

I’m quite proud of my level, I would feel really bad if it was ripped away

That’s why I am dreading my beautiful diamond border going away in OW2 that I worked 2500 hours so far to achieve


The reward for leveling is your access to free loot boxes. One free loot box for about 50-70 minutes played depending upon your success and teaming with other people for that 10% bonus experience.

That’s the main reward is more playing equates to free cosmestics.

if people are insulting people over that, they will insult you over anything even how you move


Nah, I like levels and borders.

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I did not know that. Can you post the source for that information?

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Awesome! This was unnecessary post then. Thank you for the information @Cake!

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or you know don’t publicly post levels to every player in the lobby.

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That would be a good game design or User Interface improvements but we wont be seeing since we will be getting them in Over Watch 2…

Nah, toxic people or crybabies will use anything to insult you. Emotionally damaged people are just that adamant on trying to hurt others; what they use doesn’t even have to make sense. Anyway, you’re not their parent or therapist so just report them and mute/move on. No need to get involved with the ins and outs of their nonsense and/or trying to find ways to limit their behavior. Only a ban or suspension has the ability to make them stop, but even then that probably won’t stop them either.

I agree with you 100% but Overwatch is one of few FPS games that somehow punish the player base because of it’s level design. Hours you put in for causal game play or cosmetics should not be a indicator for your skill let alone expected to be one for FPS game.