We’re bringing a new opportunity to beta test DirectX 12 for high end performance and technical quality for Overwatch 2.
Neato. This should help with performance on higher end PCs
This is fantastic news!
Does this mean we can get AMD anti-lag feature enabled?!
That would be amazing!
It’s a good start but current thing I’ve noticed.
- FPS has dropped by nearly half. I’ve gone from 600 to 300 in direct x 12. Again a beta thing.
- There needs to be some sort of feature to lock the crosshair into the game window so you don’t accidently click out during games if you overshoot or flick. Since fullscreen isn’t a thing anymore.
Yeah, so choppy and framedrops. And no option for full screen. Borderless Windows is not a good thing.
I tested with 144hz monitor and 150fps cap, things get choppy during certain parts of the game so I will probably stick with dx11 for now.
My gawd just use vulkan it’s superior.
You don’t have to impress phil that much ,.also if you have to take something from Microsoft get cortana as a hero atleast.
Also don’t collude with halo studios much , they will.be chummy and bad mouth about us to you as fellow Dev’s about bad gamers, but know we care more for you than them,.impress us not them.
Anyway dx12 is ok better than nothing but get vulkan please
Also if this is true then the marvel plant in blizzard theory is true , the one thing ow does better than rivals performance
Ow Dev’s did you say we were better
omg rush in the patch to make it as choppy as poor baby rivals , gotta make it easy for them
If they ruin performance and don’t keep dx11 and fullscreen I will sweat like anything and quit for good.
It’s the last good thing left in the game .
Is there any hdr optimization with dx12 i havent tested it yet? just wanted to ask in case anyone knew
What do you mean by optimizations? HDR functions normally like in DX11, if thats what u mean
with it being in beta just wasnt sure how optimized the driver was I tend to get a lower fps with it on right now then i do when I use dx11 its not a lot but its that stuttering that others have talked about I never get it unless I turn on my hdr settings
Gotcha, in that case I do not know, sorry. I only used DX12 for a very short period of time and had some perf issues so I swapped back, but didnt try any more than that.
The DirectX 12 Beta fixed the DWM stutter I’ve been seeing for years when anything hardware accelerated was occurring on secondary displays (primary 90Hz, secondary 60Hz). It’s so much smoother! There is some stutter initially when loading into a match, but overall I’m enjoying the benefits already.
I need fullscreen mode in DX12 to change refresh rate, otherwise it uses desktop refresh rate, which I have 60hz, but for gaming I use 165hz.
read this post maybe itll help you understand Fullscreen (exclusive) unavailable, only windowed - Technical Support - Diablo IV Forums
DX12 was never fullscreen exclusive ever and any game that says that in it is just rewording the terminology in order to have people not complain about it. If you only want exclusive you have to stick to dx11 otherwise its just emulated and you will run into a performance hunch because of it. You can also try using adaptive sync too to help.
Good start but it is in beta so it still has lots of issues. I will stick to DX11 for now.
DX12 has even longer hangs when first compiling shaders than DX11.
I had the game freeze for 5 seconds during the battle (RTX 3090, i7-9700K). What a shame.
Why is it so hard to compile ALL shaders before a match?
In marvel rivals it’s done that way and the game doesn’t freeze.
i feel more input lag in borderless windowed DX12 than in exclusive fullscreen DX11
Or how about you first fix the stupid DLSS settings that are total garbage and have been for weeks and months? I can’t even pick Quality mode or DLAA mode, it just always defaults to AUTO for some dumb reason.
Is normal, this phase hits hard on cpu. Which is aging, fixes didn’t made favors on performance and not exactly prepared to dx12 features itself.
I would guess would be due your cpu not keeping up with the gpu. Due dx12 features enabling more tasks on gpu by expense of asking more paralled tasks.
Which, while dx11 can use more cores with implementation, often didn’t used all power available for gpu properly due api overhead. Now with the gpu having more baremetal talk, maybe your cpu is feeling it’s age due how dx12 worked and the design behind your cpu.
Unreal engine is re-thinking how approach that, due usual micro stutters due how big all features are tied. Which they would try to somewhat “smarter” approach on 5.2 and up.
Also is on beta and usually their engine isn’t well optimized, just didn’t required much resources. Although on OW2 they did some improvements in terms of features for the engine itself, took quite awhile to reach a somewhat decent state.
On ow2 the engine changes and how they adapted to load shaders changed, I usually noticed some performance degradation on a couple seconds to a minute. After that initial stutter, the game would only stutter if cpu or gpu got starved due api overhead. Dx12 implementation should help fix the later stutters but only if the machine itself could keep the pace between cpu and gpu at the desired framerate.
Fps uncapped can generate problems for most folks on dx12 because this reason btw. Due often folks mix a new good gpu with outdated good cpu. Forcing higher frames but the cpu itself not having the ability to deliver it consistently.
Although Overwatch1 used somewhat fine cpu cores in it’s implementation. Overwatch2 had more fps and latency variance due overhead burdening with addition of newer features to the game. Eventually dx12 will improve but folks with aging hardware, most likely, would suffer on uncapped settings or with lower but stable fps in general due less cpu overhead but only on capped settings suit for their hardware.
My advice, check what fps your monitor and your pc can deliver consistently. That overall, would deliver a better experience due having less input lag variance and stutters in general.
FSR had a “bug” where only worked if resolution slider were below or above 100 or <95 and >105. Tbh, I wouldn’t recommend upscaling tech on competitive games, but I think some folks used to edit the config file and remove permissions to avoid replacement of settings.
In theory dxvk feature would work better, also I suspect that other platforms already use either dxvk or vulkan variants.