Get ban in 2025 ,Ban - no reason provided

yes, the support team for overwatch is largely swapped out by AI and automated responses. but thats beside the point. if you are able to speak english in a manner that native speakers can understand you, then you might aswell talk to the NA support or partake in discussions on the NA forums (which are a lot more active than european forums because they are split into the different european languages and trust me, theres no moderation at all).

It is not a victim blaming. No matter who did what - doing that will always trigger a mass reports.

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You’re making excuses for people in the wrong, and telling OP not to do what they did, even though they are very obviously the victim in this situation.

The results of what you’re saying may accurately be how events unfold, but you putting the blame/onus on the OP instead of the system is… what? Do you genuinely believe that’s the right way to frame this?

Again, I don’t at all understand how what you said isn’t blaming the victim.

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You’re going the wrong way… we only said WHY what he did led to suspension. Cause system is automated, it triggers on reports/ direct words and here he is.

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I am not making an excuse for anyone. I didn´t make the rules and I have zero control over the fact, that ANY talks about countries in war in this game would get you reported and banned.
Simply stating a fact is not “victim blaming”.


Defending an automated system that does the wrong things is also wrong, sorry. Saying that’s the status quo and you should change your behaviour to uphold a wrong system is wrong.

Ok, and there’s no way this shouldn’t be overturned. Did you encourage OP to get their mute overturned, or did you just explain the system is the system and that’s just fine? On top of that you told them not to express themselves or talk about war (which they didn’t, they just said glory to Ukraine). It’s the same crap as saying Free Taiwan or that you can’t type that on Rivals.

It’s not ok. Defending that system is not ok. Trying to police people’s behaviours into not doing something that is innocent is very much not ok.

Because some people what to engage with different languages? If I want to start a topic in, say, portuguese, i’ll go to the portuguese speaking forums. Here we are speaking in english. It’s the General Discussion tab.

you`re still putting words in my mounth, i didn’t say it - just don’t do it please(

There are maaany deleted posts about unexpected bans, where people say only jokes, or ball mains, or write only meow and get banned cause someone abused, mass reported or was mistaken by the context - cause no human touch and it’s bad, always will be. So main thing here is still automated report system, and we just can see why it was triggered

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Ok, and this ban should be overturned, no questions asked (assuming it’s the only thing OP said/did to get banned).

People just have to be careful when they respond so you don’t seem like ‘oh this is just how the system works and that’s normal’. It’s not normal and it’s not ok, and we’d all do better to speak like it isn’t instead of normalizing it. Normalizing wrongs is a slippery slope.

Again…I am not defending anyone. How do you not get it?
You are blaming me for things I never did or said. I can´t tell, if you are troll, or you are serious…

I only said, that involving politics in game is gonna get you reported, specialy if mentioned countries are in war.

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How don’t you? You told the OP not to talk about war when the only thing they said was Slava Ukraine. Was I incorrect?

So were you or were you not trying to police their innocent behaviour?

Don’t edit your post, just respond to me instead of add new information so that I have to annoyingly edit my own post to respond to you.

Ok, quote me, please. I don´t recal to do that statement.

No/already have. Scroll and re-read if you have to.

I did not do that.

Nope, I just replied to his question.


That = don’t say what you said, op.

Please stop mischaracterizing your arguments. You were trying to change what the OP says, even if what they said isn’t morally wrong.

I get you guys are just trying to help OP but truly think about what you’re asking them to sacrifice when you tell them to not say things like free Ukraine.

I never said “Don´t say that”. OP asked why he got banned - I replied.

Again, never did that.
This is like talking to a wall…

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Open a ticket with them and appeal, it is all you can do (and all any of us can do either.)


I like how you say “talking to a wall” instead of “I will consider my words, arguemnts, how it impacts people, and how I behave in the future”, especially when you’re blatantly confronted that what you’re trying to do is wrong. But I get it, egos are precious and need protecting. It’s uncomfortable to own up to our bad behaviours.

Luckily, it’s all very plain for people to see, and again I can’t see how you don’t see it.

But I’ll lay it out for you considering I’ve not had major issues with you in the past.

When you say “It’s not worth it,” it means or heavily implies OP shouldn’t have said what they said. Since what OP said isn’t wrong, you’re trying to get them to stop saying something that isn’t wrong. That is attempting to coerece them and change their language so Russians are protected and don’t see ‘Free Ukraine’ in chat. That only serves said Russians, and not OP, and not innocent people. That’s the victim blaming part.

If you actually wanted to help OP, you would have acknowledged what they said probably got them unfairly banned, and outlined the process on how to get unbanned. You’d have said they shouldn’t have gotten banned for what they said, and you would offer empathy instead of saying things like “don’t talk about politics or war”.

Not talking about politics or war only helps the status quo, and more often the perpetrators.

There are not. You have US forums, EU forums and most likely something for Asia too. But so far EU servers are completely dead and posting there sometimes didn´t got any responses for weeks. That´s why we use US forums.

Dude…I literaly did nothing wrong. When I said “it´s not worth it” - I mean losing account and possibly your cosmetics and game time to stuff like this, cause you can´t do anything against it.
I am not even adressing the rest of it, not worth the time and energy.

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Yep it is, it’s easier to post here xD that one is half-alive

Just sitting here right 20km away from the frontline, having few of my male family members somewhere there, donating each month and reading as I don’t support OP’s views and making him a victim lol
Quelithe it’s literally not worth it

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