Gerard as a hero?

With how characters like Ana and Sombra were already in the lore, it wouldn’t surprise me if Gerard showed up out of the blue.
He’d be an undead being with the same technology used on Reaper, some kind of copy AI like Echo, or he survived Amelie’s murdering him and now is actively hunting down Talon agents in order to fix her.
Love to see another side of Amelie where she’s super mad and glad about him being alive; she’d be torn apart about being reunited with her husband and finishing the assassination.

Reaper isnt “undead” - he just continually decays and regenerates. No character confirmed to be dead has come back to life.

As for Widowmaker failing the assassination, that would undermine her entire character. She killed him in his sleep - I’m pretty sure she would have made sure he was actually dead before going back to Talon.


I hope Gérard to stay dead, so the same with Balderich. There’s already too many characters who should be dead but actually didn’t:
Jack Morrison - Overwatch HQ explosion
Gabriel Reyes - Overwatch HQ explosion
Ana Amari - Widowmaker elimination
Genji Shimada - Hanzo elimination
Lena Oxton - slipstream accident
Mauga will be next…
So let’s have some balance in characters.


Michael Chu gonna be like -
Surprise, no one’s dead. The Overwatch HQ blowing up was just a big prank to get reyes to be emo for a few years. Talon is fake af guys, it’s all part of the prank lol

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Overwatch characters are like:

Are you aware that Michael Chu left Blizzard back in March?


None of this makes sense. Blizzard has been consistent with who is dead and who is alive since launch.

  • Ana was simply left as an MIA mystery, it was inevitably revealed she was alive.

  • Sombra was an enigma we didn’t know about. We then learned who she was.

  • Orisa was introduced to us as a project to be built from a scrapped bot. This isn’t some dead character being brought back to life, this is a character being born from a corpse introduced the week prior.

  • No one thought Doomfist was dead. Turns out he was in jail.

  • Moira was introduced on the Talon Council of Leaders. No one thought she was dead because she was alive in the most recent lore piece and her introduction.

  • Brig was introduced as Rein’s living squire, and then popped up like 4 more times before being made into a hero.

  • We knew Hammond wasn’t on the Horizon Lunar Colony, and that was it. It was heavily implied that he was the only important character who would end up as a hero. Turns out he left the moon.

  • Ashe/Baptiste/Sigma came out of nowhere.

  • We learned who Echo was in Reunion. We first met her as alive.

  • Liao, like Ana, was introduced to us in a mysteriously MIA state. No mention of if she was alive or dead. In the end, she was dead.

  • Sojourn was introduced as a background character multiple times. She made it to the fore ground in Storm Rising. We knew she was alive because of Recall. Turns out she is alive.

Blizzard doesn’t play the “they’re not actually dead” card to the players in Overwatch. Since the game came out, everyone who was dead stayed dead and has no reason to come back.

  • Antonio was shot in the face. He was replaced by Vialli, who got thrown off a cliff. Both are still dead.

  • Doomfist 2 was killed by Doomfist 3. Doomfist 2 is still dead.

  • Harold Winston was killed on the moon. People thought he survived and was in Lijiang with the wheelchair. People were wrong, as Storm Rising suggests it was Dr. Chao’s wheelchair instead.

  • Gerard is dead. Gerard being dead is the defining characteristic of Widowmaker, that literally makes her Widowmaker. There is no reason for him to come back to life.

  • Liao is dead. Echo is not some “copy AI.” Echo is an adaptive AI that mimics personalities and techniques. It copied Liao’s mannerisms and speech patterns after spending so much time with her. Echo is not Liao.

  • Reaper is not dead. He is not undead. He is very much alive. In constant suffering with a body that looks like a corpse, but still alive.


Blizzard played the “they’re not actually dead” card as I just said before.
Basically like Bucks above, we see Blizzard adding veterans who say us how they survived their deaths.

Jack Morrison survived thanks to… ASP and luck I guess?
Gabriel Reyes survived thanks to Moira.
Ana Amari survived thanks to some Polish people and their hospital.
Genji Shimada survived thanks to Angela Ziegler.
Lena Oxton survived thanks to “teleportation error” and then Winston.
Mauga survived thanks to… Talon?


There is a difference between “they’re not actually dead” in universe and “they’re not actually dead” to us, the viewers.

  • Tracer/Reaper/Widow/Bastion were all presumed dead in the lore. We learned this after we first met them all in the present as Overwatch heroes.

  • Soldier was presumed dead as Jack Morrison. We learned this the week they revealed he was Jack Morrison in a news report that heavily suggested Soldier 76 was Jack Morrison.

  • Mei was presumed dead. We learned this when we got her bio after she already released.

  • Genji was presumed dead. He was also one of the first faces we see in the Cinematic trailer, before Tracer and Winston.

Mauga’s fate was left intentionally ambigious. He did not get killed off like Gerard or Antonio. He was in an explosion, and then MIA.


You forgot Mondatta and Sojiro though but you are right with these.

Im actually interested in how he survived and how he will react to Baptiste in OW2. But i remember from Bastet that there was another serum Talon uses to make someone much stronger so basically the Heavy Assaults Talon has. Maybe thats what made Mauga survive similar to the ASP in Soldier.

I think Gerard is going to stay dead. It makes sense to Soldier and Reaper to stay alive because the thing that killed then is an explosions, so no one saw their deaths. But Widow really killed Gerard, so…


i ADDRESSED THIS ISSUE IN MY THREAD: Theory: Gerard faked his death to be a Talon's Mastermind

So with your logic Mauga, if added, will be the first “I am not actually dead” card to viewers.
The problem is: the viewers don’t care.
Is it in universe or to viewers, it became boring already. It doesn’t feel unique.
Right now it feels unique if important character killed will stay killed forever.

No, he wouldn’t. Mauga isn’t dead. His fate was left unknown and mysterious, just like Ana. There was an explosion… And then he was missing. It is never said he is dead, nor is he shown to be dead. In fact, the short story suggests the exact opposite.

Baptiste thought of Mauga and the explosion-scorched pier. There had been no sign of him, but knowing Mauga, he was probably still alive. Maybe it was unwise, but Baptiste secretly hoped that he was


Either way, it’s boring card already.

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if there were heroes who thought they were dead … I wouldn’t mind seeing Antonio onvece. would be the first Italian hero of the game.