simple as the title says, after this patch if genji double jumps he cannot wall climb without touching the ground
this is definitely a bug, no idea what caused it since genji got no changes but this needs to be fixed
Same thing with Hanzo: Can’t dash-jump to a wall and then climb it without hitting the ground first.
Genji is just unplayable atm
is it a bug? or it is supposed to be this way
I figured something like this would happen when I saw they fixed the recent bug of the infinite wall climb. You could see it in Necros’ recent videos of him exploiting it. For now I guess we just have to take it as a challenge.
It’s definitely a bug. Kiriko can’t wallclimb if she’s in the air either, which happens quite often after teleporting. There’s no way that’s intentional.
Greetings! We just released an update that should resolve this issue, feel free to jump and climb the walls once again!
gj blizzard
that was fast
some news about this twitch drop bug?
Wth, this is not fixed? Yesterday everything was normal, today I cant doublejump and climb, and some places I cant even SINGLEjump and climb!? wth is going on??
This was playing Petra just now.
The entire hero is ruined if this keeps up