Genji should not pay for other hero bad designs

Genji shines on season 1 because it is a well thought dps hero, and means overwatch 2 is on the right track, less hard crowd control, less shield, dps passive matches its ult ability.

but intead of buff other hero to the same level as Genji, Blizzard decide to nerf Genji. its not Genji fault Widow has the worst ult of all dps abilities and dps passive does not match her style.

overwatch 2 is super hot now, please keep the mometum by keeping your well designed heroes unchanged and redesigning other heroes that need help.


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Spotting the Genji-Main here.

No seriously.

I’ll stop ranting when he has a pickrate to about 2/10 games played. The at the moment 7-9/10 is toxic and unhealthy for the game.

But well let’s see how high the DPS-Wait time needs to be until some people realize that Support is never going to recover from that stunt.


Nah, deflect will keep gatekeeping him. He suffers from his own poor design. Not that removing deflect would fix it. Look at Cassidy. They just removed his most important tool and kept everything else the same, even kept the cornball changes like 25 hp because they are so lazy.


“Genji might be stronger than all the other DPS, but instead of nerfing him, we should buff others!”
Remember kids, that’s how you create powercreep.


had to install twitter to learn how Blizzard gonna nerf Genji mid season, this is not fun, use your own forum, it is yours, does Blizzard know that?


The genji nerf seems fine. He will still be good. He has great mobility and a soldi ult and can still assassinate a squishy with a good combo. He and Soj are the only heroes picked at high elo. Not sure why they didn’t nerf Sojourn but maybe since she isn’t oppressive in low elo, they decided to wait until next season to adjust her.

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Yeah you pretty much nailed it. Sojourn is underperforming in lower elos according to the devs

You could have just gone to the announcement page?

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hes never going to have a low pickrate because people rarely play him because hes meta, they play him because hes a cyborg ninja-samurai hybrid.

smart players actually avoid genji and usually pick tracer (or currently sombra) if they want to play a dive focused hero.

genji is for the people who enjoy pain and are more then willing to bash there head into a wall hoping for the best.

a secret from a former masters+ genji player: genji NEEDS healing (not as a meme btw), with low heal output from his team the genji is completely useless. what that means, is that a genji’s effectiveness scales with how well the team enables him, this includes the metal ranks like gold/plat. (this is why you see genji 1 tricks duo’ing with ana/bap or mercy mains so much. to ensure they get healed alot)

so if youve ever had a trash genji on your team and thought “wow the enemy genji is so good but ours is really bad” 9/10 the reason your genji was doing so poorly was because he wasnt being baby sat enough.

during dive the pro teams would usually replace genji with someone like widow or soldier because they didnt want to have to baby sit the genji. they would usually only swap to genji to flex on the opposing team.

genji is a dive hero (not a flanker) that wasnt even a preferred pick during the dive meta.

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So by ur logic, sojourn is fine? Every dps should be buffed to sojourn’s level?

Im sure as hell glad ur not on the balance team.

Man u can really tell people like this have no idea what powercreeping is.

As someone who plays quite a bit of support, I’ll be glad when there’s less genji (and sombra) to be flanking and going after me. We need some more variety from the dps. I never even see echo, ashe, or soldier

in fact balance team leader agreed sojiurn is fine, it is a little bit over used in high rating games, but less used in low rating games, so no change mid season or in season 2