Genji should block the knife

Your not gonna convince me otherwise on this

Make him atleast block it,it works just like hook right? You could block that

Idc if the wound effect goes through but im not gonna listen to ppl try to justify this like they did with sigmas geodude

Let genji deflect the knife.


I think they made Junker queen to counter Genji.

Her shout counters Dragonblade and Genji dives in general.

Her knife completely ignores deflect.

Her axe still wounds through deflect.

Regardless of what they do with it, the knife should at least inflect wound damage + the pullback. There needs to be a fair reward for landing it on Genji, so she can at least hit him with her shotguns afterwards.

Genji absolutely should NOT be able to deflect it. At most, he should block the melee damage.


If Genji deflects everything, there are no counters to him. He has been in a good shape for years now. This was intentional and it is correct.


Genji shouldn’t have an answer to every problem with a push of a button, Jiminy Cricket can sit down and stay down.


Agree if can eat it too.

I am not sure why they are even introducing mechanics that works against the established game logic (first it was Sigma’s rock, not to mention there is other counter intuitive stuff like fire strike going through shields etc)


It doesn’t always make sense :slight_smile: You could then start discussing a lot of mechanics, like Ana’s sleep arrow on Bob. Bob is a machine and certainly doesn’t sleep. Or stigma and flying heroes like Mercy, the fall damage should be reduced compared to others, since a force works in the opposite direction.


What’s that in Overwatch?

Never mind

Sorry, i’m looking for the right word. :slight_smile: Something drops on the ground and get dmg :slight_smile:

That’s fall damage, it doesn’t happen in OW

Yes, through Sigma’s Ultimate. It generates a gravitational field that lifts people into the air and then slams them to the ground.
I call this fall damage from sigma :slight_smile:

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I feel it should ping off the deflect like hook. Not deflected back at jq but blocked and denied.

Oh right, okay dokey

Yeh I think they should be consistent and let hook, fire strike and rein hammer go through deflect :thinking: just have it work on non tank abilities :man_shrugging:t2:

I don’t remember, I could be wrong but … genji can already block brigitte and rein’s melee shots, if I remember correctly. Why shouldn’t he be able to do it with junkerqueen’s flying knife?

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even then its not really fall damage
its a different from being slammed into a wall vs walking into it

He does block the initial damage but he gets the bleeding effect.

Im convinced everyone defending this has never tried using a beam character against genji in their life


hook is easy to hit, knife is difficult to hit

poor genji the hitbox size of roadhog with no mobility constantly getting one shot by her knife

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Last time he felt fine or good was OW2 beta and before that 2016-2018 he hasnt felt good for like 4 years.

And in 2022 he feels like one of the worst characters you can play in 2021 he was almost unplayable.

It should follow the same logic the rest of the projectiles do, it should not Ignore Matrix and should be able to be deflected all the same.