Genji ruins lower ranks

he should be deleted


They are never to going to remove a hero. I’m sorry bud. Also I’m a genji main.


No more oppressive than Pharah, Widow, Tracer, etc… no more oppressive than any other DPS unless that DPS is in an underpowered state.


well complaining about brig worked so enough complaints about genji should get him nerfed

and it has more than once, especially the deflect nerf when it was never an issue :man_shrugging:

he needs more. his rclick especially. no aim needed, just bounce & spam in the general area

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It was an issue though, the size of the deflect hit box was absolutely insane. And the fact that you couldn’t even see the entire hit box. There was a huge megathread with multiple videos demonstrating how rediculous his deflect hitbox was that got over 1k likes if I remember correctly.

Found it. Actually almost got 2,000 likes. Here ya go.

SMURFS ruin lower ranks.

SR manipulation is the problem here, not Genji.


Can you at least provide a context or an excuse as to why you think this way, as it would be better than just asking for deleting?
I only see someone that got killed many times and is salty af.


I was in at least ten or more games where there was a smurf genji with a Korean name.
We lost every one. Pretty good games we did not fare so well though.

Lucio blocks his ult easily, i’ve made a lot of Genji switch bcause they have wasted their blades for nothing.

He’s pretty bad and at lower ranks especially easy to kill. just go after him if his cooldowns are used and he’s dead

get a monkey and a brig and hes useless.

Maybe give some evidence and I’ll take you seriously.

Genji isn’t a skilled toon anymore (not that he was to start with).

Most players just sit back and spam fire for ult.

Hes just becoming another cheap kill toon like bast/trob/sym.


genji is very bad at lower ranks
moira should be removed i’d say for that same reason, but it’s not happening

The reason Genji is a problem at lower ranks, is because people do not have the mechanical ability to aim at a bouncing target.

When I first switched to PC I played Genji in bronze/silver and felt invincible. However, learning to shoot a Genji is an important skill. Overwatch is faster-paced than most other shooters. You need to be able to 180 and track dashing targets regularly.

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Brig was dominating every rank, Genji is great in the right hands but can be easily punished if he makes a mistake. Brig was easy value while Genji is as good as the user can make him. He has a low floor and a high ceiling, brig is pretty much the opposite.

Don’t you mean Genji has a high skill floor and high skill ceiling?

It takes a fair amount of skill to get any value out of him and he can be super powerful in the right, skilled, hands.

I agree that Brig is the opposite:

Brig has a low skill floor - easy to get value out of, and the skill ceiling is also low - it doesn’t really matter how mechanically skilled you are, you won’t be much better than anyone else on her.

A low rank Genji will get Moira-ed all day long.

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