👎 GENJI nerfed. My Problem with it

:scream: :scream: :scream:

Sure. Gonna bookmark this post and nudge you when it goes through

so you think the 3rd most picked hero overall isnt fun for MOST players.


“you’re taking this very seriously”

Am used to Blizzard simply releasing new heroes to counter Genji, honestly a hitbox nerf will be interesting since it’ll limit his 1v1 abilities even more so than they already have been due to the addition of Moira/Brig protecting the back lines.

Wonder what the new meta of invincible supports will be like.


I hope they buff Genji so the Genji mains too get to experience how it is to main a really OP hero… It is not a pleasant experience to have an entire community hate you…


A straight up genji nerf and we still get support complaint threads in response. The persecution complex here is real.


She has a high pickrate because:

  • She is one of five healers.
  • She is one of three main healers.
  • Ana is in a very bad spot right now, so she is one of two viable main healers.
  • Mercy has a very basic kit and playstyle, making her an optimal pick across all ranks.

Mercy is balanced, although the fun-factor could be helped. They’re working hard on Symmetra and some other characters, and this Genji thing isn’t even a nerf, it’s essentially a bug fix.


Its not a nerf Floral. Its a VFX fix. They are making the animation bigger not the hitbox smaller. This is what you wanted, so have a good day.

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This was in reference to the ETA being potentially off, not the fact they’re nerfing him.


Genji gets a “nerf” someone makes a thread about it and somehow it turns out to be about Mercy.

This is a joke


Fixing something that was broken doesn’t mean it was fair beforehand just because it makes him more balanced.

Hog hooking people through walls made him better didn’t it? I’d hardly call that balance though would you?

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Genji is a balanced hero, no matter how you spin it. He throws sherkins and only defense mechanism is jumping.


All this discussion about mercy buffs and tracer and genji buffs and nerf but NO ONE HAS MENTIONED ANA LOL you guys are funny they should just delete her since she’s just a thing of the past that doesn’t need any help right?

Not necessarily. They might just be tweaking how it interacts with map geometry so we get fewer cases of things like reflecting things through walls.

Well. Okay. That is effectively a nerf, but my guess is that they’re going to be working to take some of the frustrating wonkiness out of the skill instead of just straight-up making it weaker.

I’m not worried.

mercy is pretty good i usually pick her if i am forced to play support

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Fixing one of the most frustrating and cheesy mechanics in the game is not unfair by any stretch


I’m looking forward to it. Genji doesn’t need a nerf as bad as he did (has better counters, now) but fixing the visual appearance of the hitbox is fixing a significant bug. It is deceptive, and hurts new players more than anything.


His hitbox was massive it could go through walls and a decent distance away from what the animation showed.
h ttps://youtu.be/JAD4JzRQRRc