Genji may not have reached dev's goal yet

If that where true, why almost no one here will complain?.

the genji’s buffs don’t even bother me…

the only thing that does is since the buff, much like mcree they aren’t using other methods of fire

McCree rarely uses RMB since RoF buff

Genji since the update I rarely seen him LMB

Like it feels like their other methods of attack are not worth using to the other one, but before McCree used to use RMB with Flash bang now I see them just left click cause it’s better


if she does get buffed it will be grapple for sure, maybe back to 8 seconds

i wouldnt be surprised since dive is back

??? Many people complained about MCcree.

I don’t know, it’s like you only wanne see the people who complain about genji

You are so biased… It’s insane.

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But those two guys represent the 0,5% of the players. I think we give them too much attention and we should not balance the game around the 0,5% of players. Not saying we should ignore the best players… but they are not the bible.

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League of legends balance is litterly 10000 times better.

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Say it with me now
j o k e

Gotta look harder, bro. People are still throwing salt about the Ashe buffs.

Give Genji more space. Buff Winston.

Symmetra needs buffs, Reinhardt needs buffs, Orisa needs buffs, Bastion needs buffs, Mercy needs a rework (again…), Brigitte needs buffs, Genji needs to be nerfed (RIGHT after his too-much buff)… . . . . need I provide more examples?

Other games are better at this, tbh. Not only that, other games update and provide buffs/nerfs faster than Overwatch. They’re slow, and they don’t listen to the community that often. The top 1% of players should not be where balance comes from. They’re the ‘top 1%’ for a reason. They’re supposed to know how to best play the characters, not dictate how they should be adjusted.

It’s like f*ing with the economy to make the 1% in the world richer. (Oh wait…)

looking from that perspective mcree’s change made his more precise ability good unlike genji where rather buffing his left click they went with blant right click spam buff

His damage is balanced around his ult being op.

Blizz please dont.

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They’re talking about Brigitte nerfs, they’re talking about Moira rework (wich don’t get me wrong I’m happy about) , these are indirect Genji buffs

That hero was already buffed, can we stop to do more and more? Thanks, other heroes are in a worst situation but none look at them

Better buff Genji more and more because he’s fun and nice to see played in owl. -_-