Genji is too good at 1v1s

Look, I’m not trying to make McCree or the other hitscans sound like easy baby heroes, and I recognize aim as a skill that most people will never master. But whether you think he’s easier or not, Genji’s kit is more mechanically complex. He has to do more to get the same value as other DPS heroes that are more straightforward. Even as some people here are trying to make Genji sound simple, they‘re making him sound more complex than the other characters without even realizing.

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I understand what you’re saying, we just look at this from a different perspective and that’s completely fine, you are right about what you just said. the only thing is that I think genji is a fantastic hero, he would have thrived way more in a third person shooter in my opinion.

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Genji and Doomfist mains have inflated the skill requirements of their heroes since their introduction. Neither has exceptionally high mechanical requirements. Two of Doomfist’s abilities have hurt-boxes the size of cargo trucks and they put his enemies in mid-air arcs that massively limit their ability to dodge (to almost nothing). He should have no hand-cannon if his abilities and one-shot are both that forgiving and on that low of a cool-down.

Genji gets no-falloff poke from range then can shotgun fan pizza boxes into enemies heads for free crits with his no-cooldown double-jump. Both heroes determine their engagements, so them failing to wait out important cool-downs on their targets is on them. Yet you’ll never hear the end of Genji and Doomfists complaining that they got killed when the tried to jump into a 6v1 without watching for cool-downs.

There is good reason people meme about the mains of both heroes.

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ok bro

gimme 3 replay of u playing genji on comp, then we talk

He is too good at everything. He is the best hero in the game now even without his ult. And he has the best ult too. Which he gets very fast. The combination makes him utterly broken.

lol hitscan is easier

my genji only account stuck in low plat

my hitscan account are diamond

The fact that he van just reach the high ground without a cooldown is kinda broken… Others have to burn cooldowns on their mobilities of they want to get up somewhere but Gengu has inifinite mobility…

They shouldn’t have buffed the shuriken’s dmg… Deflect buffs and spread reduce would have been enough.

Ohh and this “being able to cancel deflect” is just broken. He usually is a p#ssy so he is scared to go face to face with me, he comes from behind when i already have to focus on something, so he usually is already able to land 2-3 shurikens on me, so I naturally turn into that direction but then he immediately dashes (usually does the shurikens dash combo) and if i’m not dead already then he just spams 2 rightclick on my body while jumping above my head (it’s kinda hard to hit shots on someone who is right above you) but even if I could hit him it doesn’t matter cuz he can just deflect it then cancel it immediately amd burst me down.

Unless you are shooting him from a distance you don’t have any chance to beat him if you are a non-mobile 200-250 HP hero.

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lol, hitscans are way harder than genji in terms of skill cap and type of skill. I am an absolute terrible genji and every time I play him I get easy free kills.
the fact that on one account you are diamond and lower on the other one doesn’t say that genji is harder than hitscans, there are many more factors that effect the SR you have especially if you are one tricking on your genji account.

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nvm u are gold, makes sense genji was OP down there, no one can aim, no one have gamesense, and no teamworrk at all

actually I am not gold, before I stopped playing I was almost diamond, and even tough you are right about your claims in gold it has nothing to do with genji, even before genji’s buffs on high plat I still had easy kills with him. by the way sorry to break it to you, and I’m not saying that I was super pro, but most high plat and diamond are noobs as well, overwatch isn’t really being played right below masters.

You probably never tried fighting heroes like McCree or Doom 1v1