Genji is fine in the eyes of the devs

I mean, looking at the dev’s track record, I don’t think they should be the number one thing you think of when you think of balance…


They said hes doing fine months ago. They dont think hes weak, the only logical reason they can have for these buffs is to make him meta in hopes to create bigger viewership for OWL.


I wouldn’t be too shocked if she got bumped up to 60 HPS, to be honest. Not that I mind her at 55 HPS, all I really want is minimal weapon swap delay.

me looking at genji’s gm stats before his 4 buffs: :thinking: ok so when can we expect 4 straight mercy buffs? :^)


Mercy isn’t OWL marketable like Genji is. So no.

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In all seriousness we do need to buff Mercy because if I can’t duel Gengus anymore, I retain the right to run away from them.

She is fighting with zen for being the worst and in OWL she isn’t fighting anybody, she is the worst.

Which incidentally we only got 3 more weeks of

Well, apparently, mid-tier means “buff to infinity,” so maybe we’re due!


i mean they would be wrong because genji is in fact, not fine,

they buffed his damage like crazy and didnt touch his ult charge, so its charging super fast, MUCH more than intended

reminder that genji now deals almost like 40% more damage than him before all the buffs he has gotten over the years and his ult charge wasnt changed

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but she is popular! (Wasn’t that something People liked to use to defend Genjis Buffs?) If I remember right Mercy and D.Va were both more popular than Genji back in the days when we got this sheet one time from jeff I believe.

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they were also massively scolded by the community for having that take on his balance state and later apologized

Which obviously was the wrong thing to do. The community pressured them into ignoring the stats and replace reality with their own perception on the hero. Which let to his buffs which ended up making him OP.


yep. Genji having a less than 1% pickrate and struggling to maintain a positive winrate in the middle of an ana meta, clearly they just ignored the stats

He actually was sitting where Doom was around 1.3%-ish at the beginning of June and had around 55% winrate in GM. Which also get backed up by the devs statement from January where Genji and Soldier were said to be middle of the pack in winrate in GM.
But you guys said they should ignore the stats and listen to your gut feeling that he was trash.


he was at a .9% pickrate and 51% winrate

They like Genji, they don’t like Mercy.

That’s it.



the devs havent a clue what the game needs, they treat it like a sport and completely ignore the minority for the majority, every single patch they’ll just half a** breaking one thing and making another useless, they give new characters 1 week on the ptr and think they’re ready for comp, if bastion was brought out today he’d still have a shield, they’re well and truely clueless and honestly to me how they handled echo and how the game was the final mic drop to them not knowing or caring.

apparently devs are blind

Don’t think they really believe that Genji is fine, similar to moth meta…some things are not related to balance.