Genji in a nutshell

You know this post is baloney when it’s Genji mains liking a post about Genji raging.

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Where are those stats that prove genji is broken? Or are you just going to dismiss everyone because they are genji mains?

Which, if you claim that Genji is broken who is going to correct you? Wrecking ball mains? Please explain


genjis playstyle these days is spamming rightclick and swiftstrike+melee, than use ultimate.

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“their best case vs my worst case”

welp, enjoy your “OP” genji :rofl:

Can we please stop the anti-flanker crusade already? You claimed to have statistics, yet when asked for them you simply just ignore the post asking for them. There’s no harm in admitting that you can’t do something.


not sure what you mean tbh
my english isnt that good

You know your entire post is baloney when you actively dismiss any civil post that disagrees with you all while calling a group of people toxic for no good reason.



I can say the same thing about bad players always ranting on the forums whining about everything being OP. Lol.

Every character walks around and “spams” their weapons as well. That’s technically what a First Person Shooter is…?


There’s no point posting stats for people who will flat out reject them or ignore them.

But here’s a few:

  • Genji average more ultimate kills per game than every other dps
  • Genji has consistently been a top 3 dps pick at all ranks in every meta, and still has a positive win rate

You are making false assumptions, he literally asked for statistics so he could create a rebuttle, that’s literally what a civil conversation of disagreement involves.

And also:

Genji’s kit is ultimate-based, so it’s only reasonable his ultimate has more kills. Subtract all ultimate kills from every hero’s total eliminations in the DPS category, I guarantee you Genji will be on the lower end of eliminations after that.

Genji’s design is a cybernetic ninja who can summon a dragon, look at me and tell me that won’t be popular, Japanese culture is a popular culture.

Also, his win-rate with that pick-rate remains consistently around 50-51%, not enough to call overpowered (52%-57% zone)


And I kill Genji with ease every time as Doomfist lol. Seriously tho 3 years and people are still complaining about Genji, and we have plenty of ways and heroes to deal with him. OP how about u stop getting upset over getting killed by Genji and do something against him plz.


when another hero comes around that gets to reset their cooldown on one of their mobility skills that has a huge forgiving hitbox for moderate damage, while also possessing another mobility ability in the form of a passive that has no cooldown to get some of the best vertical advantages in the game, while having no damage fall off on their weapon, and an invuln that allows him to back-peddle at usual speed and with the possibility of literally stealing enemy ultimate to use on the enemy team, who then can ALSO have one of the best damaging ultimates in the game, i’ll believe this

this is such an ignorant statement

“he’s not meta by top tier folks so obviously he’s not good”

that’s not what this means at all

the meta is because of how strong tanks are with their powerful control-oriented ultimates in place of damaging ones, and then coupled with healing in this game, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t bloated when you compare him to alternatives in his role

i don’t believe he’s “overpowered”, but his skill ceiling is higher than other heroes due to the combination of what his kit offers and the multiple animation cancels that other heroes don’t have access to, this all together definitely makes him extremely strong when you try to compare this to any other hero in his category


For the record, most of Genji’s hitboxes are overly-exaggerated in terms of forgiveness. And the slow speed of his shurikens accommodate for why he has no damage fall-off.

Also: Deflect is not total invulnerability. It is invulnerability to projectiles and melee weapons from the frontal side. Genji can still be hit from the side and behind, and beams pass right through deflect, and so do well angled splash damage projectiles.

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Brigitte averaged a 4% pickrate with a 56% winrate. Not balanced.


you can argue why he has drawbacks all you want, but every hero needs drawbacks, but he’s still bloated with the rest of it

fair, i shouldn’t have said invuln, but the potential is still higher than other similar abilities, nobody else can move at full speed while ignoring certain damage types, and the fact that they’re not destroyed, but deflected, still piles onto why he can offer more (in total, not “more” as in it’s better than a barrier, speaking to the term of “bloated”) than someone else just blocking damage, plus it’s duration based, not a flat number that he can prevent

he offers too much and it’s compacted into one hero which outshines the rest of the cast

again, i don’t believe he’s “overpowered”, but he’s definitely in a better spot than other offense heroes, but by a completely different margin

i don’t believe he should be nerfed because he’s strong, but other heroes should be able to offer similar varying amounts of “stuff” packed into them if he’s going to be able to have it with minor details that further push him over the edge, again, like passives, no cooldowns, cooldown resets, and internal things such as animation canceling

it shouldn’t mean everyone needs “all” of it, as… yet again, he’s not “overpowered” because of it

i can’t stress the way i mean that enough

he’s just… performing better because he offers “more”

he’s imbalanced, because the rest of the cast isn’t balanced the way he is, if that… makes more sense? i guess?

but again, having nothing to do with how tanks/healers are part of the top tier meta, because again, imbalance is everywhere

Well in my opinion a decent portion of the DPS roster is rather niche and lackluster (Symmetra/Bastion/Torbjorn [To an extent]/Mei/Reaper/Doomfist [Post-Nerf]/Sombra [To an extent]/Soldier: 76 [To an extent])

I don’t really view it as Genji’s kit is “bloated”, rather a good chunk of the DPS roster is rather niche or underperforming, and should be helped up to where they can be viable.

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that… literally means bloated

if everyone else is balanced around not having so much “stuff” packed into them, then he’s the one overperforming, not everyone else underperforming

so, he’s therefore not balanced

now, if they want to overhaul everyone, i’d be all for that, but if they don’t want to do that, then genji is still the odd ball out and needs to be the one looked at, not everyone else


Not necessarily,

When a good portion of a roster is underperforming and not very good, it is not the fault of the people in that roster that are doing fine.

The few select picks of the DPS roster being good are not at fault for the rest of the roster being bad, counting that the recent meta barely included the roster as a whole, I don’t think they are to blame.

Now what do I think? I think the niches of the DPS roster that are underperforming should be re-evaluated, as it is holding the characters back from becoming truly useful.


In the last 6 months Genji has averaged less damage than: Hog Zarya Dva Orisa . Blade is where his damage comes from. Just cause he has an ult that isn’t garbage doesn’t make him op.

About half the roster averages more damage than him.