Genji has broken a record

I know math is hard, but there are more Damage heroes than there are Tanks and Supports combined. Tanks and Supports should have higher pickrates because there are fewer choices in those roles.


I’ve done the maths before and I’ll do the maths again. In every single game of overwatch, there are 4 of each role (two of each on both teams) 4/4/4

But the character distribution of the roles is massively in favor of DPS- 8/17/7

Obviously, even assuming every single character is picked at random and sees the exact same amount of playtime, because there are guaranteed to be two of each role and there are less supports and tanks, tanks and supports will have higher pickrates.

8 tanks vying for 4 spots and 7 Supports vying for 4 spots are going to have naturally higher pickrates (4/12 divided by 8= 4.1%)(4/12 divided by 7=4.7%) ( than 17 dps vying for 4 spots in a game, right (4/12 divided by 17=1.9%)

16% pickrate is what you get when there are two of a particular character in every single match. That was Mercy’s pickrate during the Moth meta. 8% is what you get when it’s essentially guaranteed that in any match of Overwatch you’re going to have 1 genji in a pool of 12 players. The fact that it’s getting close to that number means that Genji is slowly catapaulting into must pick status.

You’ll also find that plenty of supports and tanks have been very vocal about Ana and Reinhardt’s overperformance. Both have already achieved 1 per game status and are verging closer to the two per game 16% pickrate. They’ve also been loud on the matter of the underperformance of characters like Zenyatta and, who have pickrates that are miserably low considering they are part of a restricted cast.


Nobody is talking about OWL pickrates because it is irrelevant to the current discussion, and can’t be compared to ladder PRs.

Literally we’re not talking about OWL and I don’t care about OWL. We’re only discussing ladder because there aren’t going to be more OWL stats for another year since if I’m not mistaken I think the season just ended. What people play in groups that they get to practice in all the time against other groups is going to naturally be a bit different than 12 randos going at it.

I literally came from a topic that talked about Genji in OWL I got confused.

Read above

If the Genji is getting his ult every fight, you’re either feeding or spending way too much time in poke phase. The amount of times I’ve seen supports keep on healing when they’re at a 6v3 disadvantage…

Dude, have you watched owl lately? Are the best players in the world just feeding to or what?

That’s because every single hero on a team is literally enabling the Genji. He gets like 20% from a halt dash combo, which happens every 10 sec

I never put much stock in proleague stats. Then again I don’t pay attention to proleague or stats

You mean one person enabling a genji consistently gives him a huge increase in ult charge? That’s insane my dude. Now imagine if one genji was consistently right clicking the tanks of an uncoordinated team.

That’s just one example. Literally every play enables the Genji. Everything. Because Genji needs resources to actually function properly

Dude you’re a plat Genji main according to overbuff. Your main is broken. Take your bias some where else.

That hero has nearly the same pickrate as the meta tank and support do, while having double the amount of hero’s in their role.

Dude, you realize that I have more time on Moira and Lucio than Genji in comp? s.t.f.u dude. You probably looked at my qp stats. Unfortunately I can’t link pictures here.

Just checked and Genji’s twelfth in terms of comp playtime and Reaper and Mccree both dward his playtime for dps. The rest are tanks and supports. :man_shrugging: Kinda sad to attack someone for being a Genji main and being completely wrong.

And please don’t rank shame. You’re gold on dps and tank and you’re barely diamond on support, yet you’re diamond. I’m mid plat on support, yet only 4 stars bronze. See, it’s not hard to rank shame

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This is just false. 200 damage alone can get him 16% of his ultimate. His comboes can do that much damage with TTK’s under a second… Heck, he doesn’t even need to use comboes to deal 200 damage.

NTM he’s a character supposed to be bad against shields in a double shield meta. There’s something very wrong with this picture.


No, I don’t realize that because you’re hiding your profile, and the fact remains, according to overbuff you have a ridiculous amount of time on Genji compared to other hero’s. You’ll have to forgive me if I really don’t believe a word you’re saying.

edit: And regardless. The stats of this hero don’t lie, regardless of your own bias.


A lot of Genji’s ult charge gain is clean up after a fight. If your supports keep healing the 2 people left on your team, he’s gonna farm a lot of ult charge. Or you have a Hog.

Ofc, I know that his ult charge is broken, but he most certainly doesn’t get blade every fight.

Did you even read my comment??

On overbuff, it says I have 8 hours on Genji on the QP tab.

And please don’t rank shame. You’re gold on dps and tank and you’re barely diamond on support, yet you’re diamond. I’m mid plat on support, yet only 4 stars bronze. See, it’s not hard to rank shame

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So what’s the solution??? Just take the damage and not heal it and hope to God the Genji doesn’t kill you. If Genji’s ultimate charge rate is so problematic that I can’t even heal my teammates when I need to, there’s a problem.

I should not be playing support knowing that there is going to be a scenario where I’m required not to do my job…

If you lost a fight, die on point.

That’s ult economy 101 and doesn’t just apply for Genji