Genji buff that makes life easier

Nerf total shurikens back to 18.

Have genji borrow doomfist reload tech.

So the shurikens are automatic reloaded every .7 secs.

A cyborg ninja should have better tech.


Iā€™d prefer smart loading on him. Make everything about his character a skill check.


better tech wouldnā€™t imply auto reloding as it would be a waste of resources, he will only reload when needed, spending EVERY shuriken in his ammo before reloding :crazy_face::call_me_hand:t2:

Genji got wrecked by doomfist in that animated short.

Doomfist has better tech.

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Why tho? The way he reloads is probably the last thing that needs to change.

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What problem does this solve for genji lol

He needs a buff but this ainā€™t it


Bro Iā€™m bout to go back to maining reaper yā€™all doing this on purpose :sweat:


Thatā€™s a big nerf if anything

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Since weā€™re just proposing random garbage I wanna try

-30 DMG (11 spread)
-triple jump returned
-130 blade (un-nanoable)

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Let genji stick to walls like the assassin



But fr you canā€™t say my ideas any worse

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Theyā€™re built for different purposes. Genji is a ninja, and Doom is there to beat everybody in frontal combat

I get Genji has dash and wall climb, but I think Genji needs even MORE mobility. Heā€™s a ninja. Give him wall run, slide, roll, teleport, flight, insta-kill backstab, change his weapon to a knife, give him invisibility, give him a disguise ability, a substitution ability

Genji doesnā€™t need anything else to make him ā€œEasierā€ he is way to easy to get value out of as it isā€¦

2 get out of being killed free cards, one on a reset which all he has to do is tickle an enemy before it dies in order to get

the ability to kill a squishy in a microsecond with his burst potential

an instant team fight winning ult, which when paired with Nano (which it always is) is entirely uncounterable, without wasting a grav on him and him alone, and then he just says ā€œHA NO U!ā€ and deflects it at you

there is a reason he is picked in nearly every match throughout silver to diamondā€¦ because he is too powerful as he is, just like tracer, hanzo and widow

no arguments about it, no ifs no buts no coconuts, if you disagree youā€™re a genji main and/or plain wrong

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If anything they should make him harder, but reward more. I love the idea of him being super hard, but the problem is that he isnā€™t strong. Make him hard and strong so that the good players get rewarded and the bad ones donā€™t.


The Mercy Main community would like to know your location.

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Lmaoooo fr though its always the supports and hitscans that want genji gutted because when he is good he counters pocket hitscan.

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So true.
Ana Mains: ā€˜StOp JuMpInGā€™
Baptiste Mains: Heā€™S jUsT tHe MoSt ToXiC hErO
Brigitte Mains: tHeY aLwAyS cOmPlAiN
Lucio Mains: dunno
Mercy Mains: I HaTe I NeEd HeAlInG SpAmMeRs
Moira Mains: ThEy ArE sO SaLtY jUsT Bc We BeAt HiM
Zenyatta Mains: He AnNoYs Me AlL gAmE
This was pain to type


Hidden leaf village

Pull up moths :moyai:

This is too dumb even for bronze rank.

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