Genji and Tracer are the staple of Overwatch's Advertisement, but

You can’t even play these heroes without getting stunned repeatedly and dying instantly.

Makes sense.


That’s what happens when people complained about the two staples for two years.


In what universe are Genji and Tracer somehow less survivable than heroes like Soldier 76 and Mccree?


For absolutely no reason other than that they didn’t want to put in the effort of counter play without counters.

And look where we are now.


In a universe where McCree has instant unreactable stuns that reach 15 meters, of course.


McCree has high damage, Soldier has High Mobility as well as Self-healing.


I also think part of it is when they were the two DPS dominating OWL. And we all know when a pick rate gets too high they whip out the axe.

If you think 76 is more survivable, why not play him over Tracer? Because no offense, you sound like a terrible Tracer if you think sprint is better than blink or that healing station is better than recall. That is for sure.


Haven’t actively played Tracer since Season 8.

76 is a hero that I can actually play and be effective with, in contrast to tracer, because I can position high ground and rain hell down on my enemies below.


Dive definitely had a big part in it. The complaints about Genji and Tracer didn’t really become widespread until that point. And a lot of the complaints I had seen were mostly just complaining that the counterplay for them were other DPS and a tank or two. At the time, there really wasn’t a support that could counter them. It was either you were at a disadvantage, or you had to put more focus on escaping them which means you’re spending less time healing.

That’s what I mostly got from those complaints back in the day, at least. Some of them may have not been worded the best, but that was more or less the gist of the overall complaints about Tracer and Genji from what I’d seen.

Genji’s definitely been powercrept quite a bit, and he has too many counters too imo. Tracer, I think is going to be fine, but I’d need to see what happens after double barrier to be sure. But I’m sure that if your team runs a full dive, Tracer will be one of those DPS and she’ll do just fine unless the entire team is struggling.

and dont forget the hanzo massacre on close ranger

Pretty sure Mercy and Dva are far more popular than Genji or Tracer.


In the universe where tracer and genji have to be played much closer to enemies than soldier/McCree, this.

They released a hero who is just a better Genji that takes less skill so…

Because the one and only counter for them is stun.


Or you know, better aim.

But you probably didn’t.

The pros must have bad aim then if Tracer and Genji was dominant for 2 years.


Tracer was only dominant in dive, but less so than dive tanks and supports, and genji was never dominant.

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Literally not one of those statements is correct :upside_down_face:

The… entire game is built on counters and strategy, but I can see why people might think otherwise?