Games in plat: better smurf wins

So that is like matches in plat, maybe gold looks like now: the team who has better smurf/s wins. The team without smurf is kept on the spawn and crashed by the enemy team. I wonder why Blizzard let that thing happen. And it’s worse and worse every new season. How many times we have to ask Blizz to do something about it?


I play in plat and majority of games doesnt have smurfs.


I play(ed) in plat and majority of games does have smurfs.

That’s one of the reasons why I don’t play any more.


I talk for pc competitive, europe.

I bounce between low and high plat SR on EU PC and smurfs are basically a guaranteed thing. You must be the luckiest plat player ever.


I think plenty of players is just over reacting. What is smurf by your definition?For me its a player who is visibly dominating the match and basicly hard carrying his team.

For example two days ago enemy team had low level widow who was obviously having diamond + mechanical skill on gold ranked account. So i did count it as smurf as she had many kills and headshots.

Btw guess what? We won anyway. Just because one team has smurf doesnt mean its automatic win for that team.


Anyone who is clearly above the rest of the players in the game skill-wise. Doesn’t even have to be low levels. Resold accounts and boosters are also a thing. And I’m not talking about a player simply popping off once. You can clearly see from their movement, positioning and mechanical skill that they shouldn’t be there. The difference between a plat widow doing a few wonky headshots in a row from a questionable position and a widow confidently and consistently flicking and getting clean kills is obvious.

The outcome of the match doesn’t matter. I’ve won against smurfs countless times in the thousands of hours I have played this game. The smurfs still skew the SR and while they might not have carried that one game I was in, they sure as hell have been the deciding factor in other games, and other times they have been the deciding factor in my game, whether on my team or the enemy.

Not to mention 90% of cases they are in low SR by choice, which naturally has to involve some sort of gameplay sabotage, mostly soft-throwing. If you look at some of the “unranked to GM” runs, these people are capable of getting masters+ SR before level 40. Looking at Yeatle’s unranked to GM with Zarya, he was 3945 at level 31…
…genuine master+ players won’t get stuck in plat for 60, 70, 80+ levels unless it’s by choice.


I am collecting statistics like smurfs and leavers in my games and i can tell that number of leavers and smurfs are highly exaggerated. So far i have data from hundreds of games.


Wanted to do something like that myself but never pushed myself to. Maybe I will sometime, but whether it’s exaggerated or not, smurfs are a problem that should have been considered in advance and there definitely are more now than ever. That smurfs and boosters have become an issue is not a matter of opinion at this point.


I am not saying its not issue, but its not so big deal for me, they wont stop you from climbing. I think blizzard should focus on lvl requerements for entry to comp and rework placement system which doesnt allow to place accounts outside of certain range.


I’d say raising the level requirement wouldn’t be enough, because AFK leveling and bots. Maybe it could be raised a little bit and reworked to require a certain number of wins on each role in QP on top of the level requirements instead of it being the only requirement. The wins should only start counting once level 25 or whatever level is reached so it doesn’t just passively happen during leveling. The justification for new players could be to get 25 levels to get familiar with the game in general and then the QP role queue wins to get familiar with the individual roles and more competitive environment, which QP is the closest to, so they don’t jump into competitive after playing 10 hours of arcade.

It should also take 10 games or more for a completely fresh account to be placed in a rank on any role. 5 games are not a large enough sample to go by and the huge 100+ SR gains/losses in the first couple games past placements aren’t a good way to adjust it accordingly IMHO.

Also they need to stop dumping every new player in gold and plat. Even a new player who is completely clueless has a good chance of getting placed at 2500 or higher. That’s what bothers me most about placements. The skill and game sense differences between individual gold and plat players is often mind blowing.


Majority of my games in plat are non-smurfs. And even if there’s a level 25 border, most of the times they’re not even smurfs. Plat is lowkey easy


Hey man i made a new account and it placed gold cause the first placement match had a leaver. Not my fault I had to steamroll through gold to diamond in 32 games straight.


That’s true. People really just want to blame anything other then themselves.


1/3 of the matches are fare, 1/3 are best smurf win, 1/3 who do not have leavers win, this entire system is a f. joke and blizzard does not give a f.

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Do people count all low level accounts as smurfs? I play in plat and I can tell you there are a lot of new low level accounts, but not that many smurfs really.

Most low level accounts I encounter are just alt accounts, the players are usually not standing out skill wise, they are just plat level players with fresh accounts. Sure there can be an obvious smurf who is dominating from time to time, but that doesn’t happen that often. This is my experience from EU plat.

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Yeah, EU player mostly, same experience.

The more enabled smurf wins.

A diamond Ashe with a Mercy pocket is going to stomp all over a masters Ashe who can’t play high ground because their Moira is DPS’ing and Brig is flanking. Or if the masters Ashe has a Winston/Ball diving them all game whereas the enemy diamond Ashe is playing against Zarya/Hog.

Simply saying “DPS DIFF” because one DPS is in the kill feed more is really reductivist and simple minded.


Same happened to me but far lower. For some reason I got low silver on one of my alts through losing the first matches in placements. Then I lost some games after that, spending my boost games and dropping a bit more. The result was a far too long SLOG through Silver and low gold for no reason. Got called smurf very often and got alot of endorsements but I could more or less play how ever i wanted. Then MMR caught on and starting to match me against players in the same situation slowing either their or my rise out of an inappropriate SR tier…

It became a game of kill the other “smurf” then…


you wont see many smurfs unless you are statting at the top of your bracket. once you do, every game will have crazy smurfs

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