Game Pretty Much Ruined By CC

Honestly, they should never put another CC, Boop, or Stun in this game. I don’t care if they release 40 more heroes over time. Not ONE should have a single CC.

That’s how horrible it is to play this game now.

I have NO clue why they thought that’d be a good idea.


Almost every character, even the ones at launch had some form of CC. Its nothing new to overwatch.


No only true cc heroes were mccree and mei… there are way too many now


No quite.

Look at the entire list of launch characters. A few had boops, maybe 1 stun.

Since then, 10 of the 11 heroes have some form of CC or MULTIPLE.

It’s been non stop stun, cc, no skill crap.


My team last night was Mei, Mcree, Hog, Baguette, Ana and Orisa, the enemy Mcree was CC for literally 5-7 seconds, was hilarious but I’d hate to be on the receiving end of all that.

I don’t know if boops are cc? But they are very powerful now with the “boop physics” update.

I wouldn’t mind if they needed skill to pull off but many of them are base level difficultly.


The boop buff was the second biggest mistake these devs have made. The biggest one being adding this much CC in the first place. A game is supposed to be fun but getting CC’d constantly causes nothing but frustration. That’s failed game design.


You know what’s the most horrible CC in this game? DEATH!
And you know what, there are a lot heroes who can DEATH you while you can’t do a thing.

Like i’d prefer playing against good doomfist, hammond and roadhog, than against good hanzo or widow.


And rein, and roadhog, and lucio, and winston, and zarya, and Dva, and Junk, and Pharah,

There were 5 types of stuns over rein, mcree and mei and roadhog

Of the original 21 heroes, and not including melees, which are CC cause they move you, 11 have CC. so over half


I somewhat agree.
I too think it has reached a threshold.

Well that’s going a bit far imo.
35 heroes sounds better imo.

That’s subjective.

Because this isn’t a generic FPS game.
It has moba elements along with different classes and different hero kits. CC is a must in this game.

They just have to be careful of not adding too much of it. (The same thing counts for mobility btw.)


This game isn’t ruined by CC. It’s ruined by Widow.
What the hell is the point when every match is almost entirely randomly decided by which team gets the better widow?


I must be the odd one out that doesn’t find this as bad as people make it out to be. The amount of CC at launch should have been good indication of the way the game was going. Not sure why it’s such an issue now.

Lucio, D.Va, Pharah, Roadhog and even Reinhardt had displacement (Boop)

Mei, McCree and Reinhardt (Ult) had an all out stun.

And Zarya (Ult) could lock an entire team in one spot.

Hell even Symmetra had a way to slow/damage heroes.

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It is nowhere near as bad as people make out. They are being drama queens. The game is not ‘ruined’.


Well, the game has earned a reputation for being no skill, stuns and cc for good reason.

At launch, it was very well received. Since then, they’ve added heroes like Doom, Brig or Hammond who’s entire game is about knocking you all around.

The game is still well recieved. Everyone who I’ve introduced to it in the last year loves it.


CC was a good part of the reason I stopped playing. It’s not an enjoyable mechanic for first person games and should be heavily restricted.


Mei freeze Cree Stun Lucio Boop Rein pinned ultimate stun Hog Hook Pharah knock back Rat Trapped … So yes launch game got a plenty of CC already.

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One shots and one shot combos need to be severely more restricted. People hate dying with little to no counterplay, and when the game stops being fun people leave.

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Two sides of the same coin. When you remove, through CC, any opportunity for CQC with characters that have a sensible TTK, the only alternatives are either long range snipers or CQC characters capable of delivering virtually instant death.

The middle ground is excluded.

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And look at the response the ole Hook got from players. People hate to lose control of their character.

So what does Blizz do? Release…

Ana - Sleep
Sombra - Hack
Orisa - Mini-grav (dont mind this much)
Doomfist - Knockback, Stun, Uppercut
Moira - No CC, but a random ball flying around.
Brig - I mean, come on.
Wrecking Ball - As if there’s not enough knocking around. It’s all he does.
Ashe - Knockback and a DOT. Damage over time. After all those years of WoW players saying it’s dumb. They put a DOT in the game. I don’t like the idea, but i don’t mind Ashe much because on the other hand she feels like playing a shooter.

3 heroes ENTIRELY BASED on Stuns and Knocking people around. Sure, launch characters had 1 here and there, but nothing like that.

I think the players’ response to all the CC speaks for itself, to be honest.

Edit: I agree about One Shots for the most part, though it’s hard to say you shouldn’t have a sniper that does take skill. I feel like Widow is a good hero. Hanzo, too damn random for my liking. Just spam arrows into a crowd.

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Or… they could just implement diminishing returns on CC like they had to do in WoW. Then they can add as much CC characters in the game as they want without the CC problem becoming worse.