[ GAME MODE ] World of PvP ( RPG Quests Shops ) >> v.2.4 <<

Version 14 is here!

Version 14.1.4 ==> VJCG8

Change Log

  1. Minor text changes
  2. Removed the “-60 gold for plus x to all stats” altar message when using crouch to multi use the altar
  3. Fixed a bug where a players starting gold could only be 500
  4. Repositioned some texts
  5. Added Icons at significant locations
  6. Changed some hud text colors
  7. Added in world text that activates when testing code is in play
  8. Added an anti crash
  9. Killing a player hunted on you will now act as a normal kill, giving pk status as normal
  10. Increased respawn time to allow for more hero swapping time
  11. The blood crystal event now rewards gold based on gold income
  12. Fixed the pk text staying after pk status
  13. Changed the way the diamond mine works from a capture to a stay at location mechanic
  14. You will no longer get pk status when killing someone after you have died
  15. Upgraded the shops. Again!
  16. Max speed reduced from 1000 to 500
  17. Added a negitive move speed shop

Going forwards, I plan to integrate a lot of the cool stuffs that Arius has created, and am considering replacing the diamond mine with something else, as it hasn’t exactly been a great feature for many players.

What do you thing of the changes, and what do you want to see added/changed the most?


Man, some of those are pretty spicy updates. :hot_face:

I’m gonna borrow these, if that’s okay:

  • Increased respawn times for better hero swapping
  • Max speed reduction from 1000% to 500%
  • Minor text changes

I’ve been heavily crediting you on the edition(s) I’ve been developing from your original work. (and also trying to keep up with your updates).

Thanks again for all your hard work, which inspires me to work hard on my modifications, redevelopments, and new developments with your mode! :blush:

…and thanks for adding me as a friend. HMU whenever as I’m lonely and have no friends

Hi, BattleMercy!
In version 14, the income increased to 100k%.
If this is intended, then I found a bug:
Having more than 10k%, if you use the altar activation, the income is reset to 10k%.
For example, if you have a 40k% income, then when using the altar there will again be 10k%.

There are a few more problems. I think that this is connected with an instant purchase when all the gold is spent using the “F” key. Sometimes, if you have a lot of gold, for example 60k and spend it on something, gold can go into a minus by a very large value.
For example, when I had about 100k of gold, I spent it on income, which was originally 20k%. Income became the maximum, and gold became -1.5 ~ million. In addition, you can buy something on a negative balance. When I bought on a negative health balance, it fell to the minimum value (I played on the wreckingball and health points became 6, that is 10% of the standard value), the bug repeated, and the value of the health points in HUD also became negative. Until I made him positive again, I still had 6 health points.
Also, if you buy “-1 to movement speed” on a negative balance, the speed of movement increases. Two negatives make an affirmative.
I hope, you understood me. Sorry for my terrible English.

Thanks for letting me know!

There are currently a few bugs with the v14 shop system, and for the time being im reverting back to test server life. Im hoping once the new workshop stuff goes live I can optimize the game enough to have the space to use the new shops (and fix their bugs)


Hey. So I’ve been playing this mode for a while, and love it’s potential, but was curious if there’s anything in the works to help control RDMing? As it stands, there’s just not enough to prevent players who’ve got a bit of a head start from RDMing any lower level folks who join in. the Diamond mine is usually where I head, but the leaderboard head usually camps out there, and makes it impossible to catch up, essentially. Is the workshop capable of adding some kind of level-protection, or a harsher penalty for RDMing?

I merged with your latest version v14.1.4 my staff. Workshop code: 58PSV
Change LOG:

  • supported map pool only (nepal: altar)
  • added new currency “Prayer Points”. Can be gained by controlling “Forsaken Shrine”
  • added new POI location “Forsaken Shrine”. Capture/Passive gain mode.
  • added passive diamonds mining mode, active mining mode available also. You need just to turn ON “Diamond MINE” rules and turn OFF “Diamond MINE v2” rules.
  • Diamond mine improved visual effects.
  • added “Bank interest rate shop”. Placed in hard-to-reach place. Now you can increase your bank interest rate.
  • added PRG elements spawn as Soldier 76 get money and buy random hero or Echo\Moira guaranteed. For buying heros “Prayer Points” required.
  • Optional added [Wall Climb, Smoke Field, Magic Nova] Shops. You can just turn ON/OFF (hud, logic) rules.
  • some minor fixes. removed unnecessary SetVariable() methods. Some rules was tiny refactored.
  • Added “SetGlobalVars” rule, where you can defined Player Speed,Damage,Income Upgrades and Gold in Bank Limits.
    My suggestion for server stability keep PlayerSpeedLimit lower than 300 and dont let really big numbers show up. Like gold in pocket and in bank.

In future updates:

  • reworked “Random Teleport” locations

Some bug fixes and balanced fixes Code: BDGEJ

  • Fixed Gold Mine Hud
  • Fixed Magic Nova Hud
  • Balanced Magic Nova damage
  • fixed same variables naming problem in some cases
  • added server load metric in hud
  • removed all hero shops, replaced with “Random hero shop” and “Choose Hero shop”

is their any way the host can edit the game mode so they have infinite gold? if so please let me know. :grinning:

Infinite Gold seems strange, due of infinity itself, i would recommend to read about David Hilberts Infinite Hotel Riddle and thesis. Infinite as value seems computing wise ok and is possible to illustrate, but causes some unwanted behaviour and since Blizzard’s Worksop Engine especially has some limits, its only possible to set the finite max value. Well there is a way to mimic infinity by using a Boolean value (either 1 or 0, true or false) to rather use a state if something is infinite or not instead using a value of pure infinity. So with that in mind you might edit it by your own :).

YOU did an amaze job. I’ve learned so much playing at being a mod with this. I added some low-kill bonuses to my version, made the invis able to be bought 10x for 30 sec max effect, and a mini game that (sort of) mimics a slots-casino. i’ve heavily reduced the text blocks due to lost huds issues _moved a bunch of stuff to small messages and cut away some secondary descriptions - since your loyal players are all very nice about explaining if someone doesn’t get what a thing is. someone mentioned today that there used to be a version that had “mini games”. Anyone have or know what code for that?

Update 15.1 is here!

v15.1 -------> 5CTWJ <------- ENGLISH VERSION
v15.1 -------> Y3WYM <------- РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ (RUSSIAN)

Hi. Made new version of the gamemode
All inscriptions have been translated into Russian (in RUS version)
◘ Kings Row (+Winter)
◘ Hanamura (+Winter)
◘ Kanezaka
◘ Eichenwald and Halloween
◘ Nepal Sanctuary
Added teleports through doors where needed

Hero Changes:
◘ Added Echo
◘ All heroes - 90% speed instead of 100%
◘ Reaper - 10% lifesteal instead of 100%
◘ Soldier 76 - 85% speed instead of 100%

The shops:
◘ The cost of pumping movement speed is 100 gold instead of 25
◘ Speed limit lowered from 500 to 200


Привет. Сделали новую версию режима.
Все надписи переведены на русский язык
◘ Канезака
◘ Айхенвальд (+Хэллоуин)
◘ Ханамура (+Зимняя)
◘ Кингс Роу (+Зимняя)
◘ Непал Святилище
Добавлены телепорты через двери, где это было необходимо
Изменения героев:
◘ Добавлена Эхо
◘ Все герои - 90% скорости вместо ста%
◘ Рипер - 10% вампиризма вместо ста%
◘ Солдат 76 - 85% скорости вместо ста%
◘ Стоимость прокачки скорости передвижения - 100 золота вместо 25
◘ Лимит скорости понижен с 500 до 200