Game invisible. I see desktop, but hear Overwatch

When I play overwatch everything is fine until i enter a game (practice range, quick play, etc)
Then the screen goes invisible. I can hear my group, I can hear that I am moving, but I see my desktop.

I have repaired and reinstalled, please help.

try WD40 in your usb sockets

It began happening mid game. I have turned off all other programs/overlays and restarted computer.

The submit ticket process wants a trace root or something, cause it wont let me submit.

What about flex tape or one of the flex tapes family of products??

I have had some positive results with taping all of the vents closed for maximum temperature gain

That’s why it name is frying pan because it computer is supposed to be a frying pan :slight_smile:

I figured out the solution. Blizzard is against VIRTUAL MACHINES because they want their own streaming service and COMPETITION is hard on bad products.

DYING game brand, sorry team.
Official response from support: “I can also see, that you seem to be using the Cloud Gaming Service Shadow. Any Cloud Gaming Service is a violation against our Terms of Use, which can be found here:”