Game freezes, audio continues

Often now, since the new Rialto patch, my game freezes, however audio keeps going.

All of my drivers are updated fully, and no overlays or other programs such as discord are open.

I’ve lost 100 SR due to this, and its very bothersome. Can we get an official word on this?


Same thing has happened to me twice since the new update. I try and bring up task manager to close out of OW to reload it, but I have to completely log off and log back on. Luckily I can do this fast enough before I lose SR

just happened to me, lose 50 sr because of this

Check out the Bug forums, this is being reported a LOT since the patch from other users - myself included. Try to re-post there to encourage Blizz to fix. The game is basically unplayable right now.

I have the exact same issue. ever since the last update. i freeze up and the game continues, when i press buttons i can hear my charactor reacting but the screen is frozen the only way i can exit is by signing out of my computer which forces the program to close… happens literally everytime if i play long enough

I’ve been experiencing this since May 2018 as well. I have not found a solution yet…

This has happened to me 5 times and every time, I sign out and log back in but by then I’ve already lost my SR because the crashes always happen at the beginning of every comp game. This issue is really annoying and is making the game not fun at all for me right now.

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