✅ [Game Design] Fixes before BlizCon

Very possible.

If anything, all of these ideas combined aren’t likely to happen.

And I could see the devs not doing a Lucio revert, because they don’t like Reverts.

Also because it might be easier for esports to follow the action.

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OP suggestions are something that the forum should be suggesting, at least it wasn’t those “delete X hero” post and as a person who read the forum constantly I can agree OP still have some decent understanding of each heroes (unlike most people on the forum)

Lol, thanks.

Truly great suggestions all around, except right here:

And I ask? Why, just why buff Mei and especially in her current state?

A team not coordinating is not a valid reason for a buff.
Let’s not buff incompetence, they are lower skill and lower SR for a reason.

I see this as more of a bugfix.

Ultimate Projectiles disappearing midair, because of lag, shouldn’t be a gameplay mechanic.


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You want shorter Q times for dps? Make tanks a less disheartening experience.

Better idea, don’t make it Matrixable.
Instead just make it so it doesn’t stun at all at close range (I.e. 6m range, I.e. Brig/Rein hammer swing range).

I think that’s a little much, when we’re inside an Orisa meta.

Accretion already applies self damage at close range. I see that Sigma seems overtuned, but accretion is basically his only answer when things close in on him. Taking that away is not the right tactic.

Lower queue times will never happen. The player base complained till blizzard did something. Now we are doomed to wait or play other games.

It’s a glaring weakness. Yes.
He’s supposed to have a glaring weakness.

That’s what “Balance” is. A balance of strengths and weaknesses.

And it’s not really a “skillshot” aiming a projectile the size of a Dva mech, at near pointblank range.

So far the best I can figure is to move about 1% of the players in Diamond through Grandmaster, down to Gold/Plat which is 60% of the players.

Less DPS at high ranks = Less queue times

I fear many players will walk away from the game. Leaving the die hards to really be in a pickle. But maybe your idea would help

Pretty much, there are no good choices, that don’t have downsides.
So the trick is finding the most agreeable downside.

I figure adding some difficulty for people in the most difficult skill tiers, is pretty agreeable.

It’s also very “meritocratic” which is a decent form of fairness, on a competitive ladder.

Top500 will probably still be Top500, but now they will have 10 minute queues instead of 45 minute queues.

No, because it took me over 4 days to write as is, and that would limit me to what’s possible in the workshop.

Making the Rock matrixable wasn’t the best idea. So I made it so that it only does Knockback and Damage at close range.

Backfill with a full reset, would be a lot easier than having 11 players reload the maps, and get back into queue.

And Jeff says a lot of things they’d never do, until they did them.


The fact some of these have been done recently is nice I also love the other ideas

Re necroing because these are great