Game: Corrupt-a-wish

Granted! you are the greatest Torbjorn player ever. You are also the only Torbjorn player. No one wants to play Torbjorn. No one. They broke all of his kit and changed his model so he looks like a sh!+y smurf.

I wish for peace on the forums.

Granted, but the peace is caused by the forums de-activating

I wish for the OP to come back to the post…

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Granted but I’m leaving again because I just won the fu cking lottery

I wish everyone in this post the same luck

Granted, but we still second-guess our luck and never buy a lottery ticket which turns out to win more than $15.

I wish we could choose the teams for the OWL away skins in the All-Access Pass.

Granted! But OWL gets shut down the following week due to “away skins” being more profitable than the league itself

I wish this thread to go on for even more time

Granted. As it enters its 580392728948393 post Apocalyptic war happens. A small band of heroes group together to try to save the forum thread and go on a grand adventure to procure it’s contiuarion. They are known as Forumwatch.

I wish I was a member of Forumwatch.


Granted. You are appointed as a member of Foruwatch.
But as time goes on and the thread is no more, you are sent away from forumwatch as it’s initial goals change, you are now a part of SaltWatch, a ForumWatch sub–division that deal with top secret ops that consist of eliminating the salt in the forums.

I wish more heroes to join ForumWatch. the forum could always use more heroes!


Granted. More and more join until literally the whole world has joined. Saltiness has been eradicated but a new villain arises! Sourness!!!

I wish I had some Chinese food and a giant Mountain Dew.

granted but you’ll have to be stuck in the hospital for 5 years thanks to the MSG in the chinese food and the sugar from the mountain dew

I wish I had a hot anime girl in real life

Granted but she’s brought weird unknown anime STDs that are uncurable and super painful.

I wish for a cure for anime STDs.

Granted, but it gives you regular STDs.

I wish for a cold, delicious, and tasty beer.

Granted, that cold, delicious and tasty beer is waiting for you at home. The only thing is while you were gone all of the beer has been switched out for O’douls. Drink up and enjoy.

I wish I hadn’t created that cure for anime STD’s because now Willdebeast is happy.

Granted. Instead you have created a cure for regular STD’s which also makes WIlldebeast happy because you cursed him with it.

I wish I had payed vacations for all of the eternity.

Granted! Your payed vacations start now! You travel the world in style until your unfortunate death. But the fun doesn’t stop there! Your corpse still goes on paid vacations!! You become a sensation as your lifeless body travels to see all of the world’s iconic venues!!! Aloha!!!

I wish I could transform myself into a cantaloupe and have a slice.

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Granted, but you taste like a watermelon.
I wish I had a good wish.

Granted, but you get extra stupid and wish a bad wish thinking it was a good wish.

I wish my friends didnt mock me for not liking Fortnite

Granted! But now I mock you. You seriously like fortnite? dude, go play something decent. I can’t believe i’m letting you go away with just this little corruption after reading such a thing…

I wish people wouldn’t forget how to play modes

Granted! But your team-mates will play DPS and only DPS

I wish there was an OW league for Xbox and PS4

Granted! But, all fights come down to who has the better PharMercy.

I wish people would stop using Twitch as an excuse for saying Overwatch is dying.

Granted. Now they use global warming as an excuse for saying Overwatch is dying.

I wish I had an amazing idea for a video game.