Game bugging out

After the recent patch I’ve been loading into a game of comp and the game isn’t loading in properly, not allowing me to pick a character or anything and then kicking me for inactivity. This has happened twice and now I’m banned for an hour plus losing 100SR.

Is there a bug in the latest patch that is causing this?

Exact same thing is occurring to me. I’ve been using the flex queue, not sure if it’s related.

Yeah I was using the flex queue the first time, second time I was just queuing as healer. No idea why this is happening.

I have lost 400 sr to this accross 3 accounts and it is genuinely starting to get tilting as it is out of my control. I deleted overwatch and i am reinstalling it to see if this helps. I can not queue on any account for a week. Fun game

So I am not the only one who has been going through this. I also lost 140 SR and got suspended 2 times. Guess I won’t be playing competitive the whole season
You don’t lose 50 actually - 50 on the role you are playing, 10 each from the other 2 roles and 1 from Open queue comp. So 71 per suspension

Same problem in tank queue so it’s not about flex queue i suppose…

I’m getting this too on ps4 in Quickplay Classic mode. It acts like the match is loading, does not give me character select, the match starts without me, and I get booted due to inactivity. It might even be affecting the rest of my ps4 (still trying to determine if it’s actually a hard drive issue).