Game Bugged, wrong golden gun

Hey so I’ve been saving up for Lucio’s golden gun as I’m playing him a lot lately. Today I finally had enough points and bought it, even tried equipping it, except, I got put into a game and after checking I now have Symmetra’s golden gun, a hero which I don’t even play. I don’t know if this can be fixed or am I just stuck with that, really sad ngl

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Unfortunately you are stuck with it. Usually when I hear of this problem, its often due to a sibling accessing the account and making the Golden Weapon purchase. Make sure no one in your household is accessing your account for any reason.

dang im sorry dude, what rank are you in? i could q up with you to help win games to get another golden weapon if you want.

I was not a sibling or anyone doing this… I literally bought the gun and found a comp game at the same time, didn’t have time to equip so I checked after, saw I had no golden lucio gun so I went through all the characters to find where my points went ): Click on Sym and saw I had hers for some very annoying reason. No “accidental click” and no “sibling trying to mess with me” it was literally a bug, from what I think is game literally didn’t know how to process this and gave me a random one.